Honestly I had no plans to listen to this when I parked myself in the listening position. (But i’m glad I did).
I started with the last track with Peabo Bryson and Celine Dion (and compared to what I was listening to prior {shall remain nameless for now as I was falling to sleep} was like a caffeine shot from my slumber.
Another brain dump follows (caveat: I have never watched this movie):
As good as a prologue can be (I guess?)
- mostly center speaker narration to set the scene.
Like: great spread of individual voices. Chorus surrounds from rears. Great fidelity. Great horn treatment.
Belle reprise:
Great bass. Cinematic.
Strings sound great. Good ‘oompah’ bass. Seems crankable. Chorus spreads really well.
Gaston (reprise):
Operatic. Great snare drum detail.
Be our guest:
Accordian left -side. Lower octave vocals in heights. Patter of drums left side. Cymbals and soprano.
Something there:
‘Pixie’ Bells surrounding. Harpsichord has clear presence mid- height front.
The mob song-
Spine- tingling scale. Enchanting. Very near demo worthy. Ceiling usage ‘kill the beast’! Impressive.
Beauty and the beast:
Piano ceiling right. Chimes from ceiling. Magical.
To the fair:
Ability to isolate instruments A+. Demo worthy on this basis.
West wing:
Spooky wavering Disney-esque vocals. Trumpet right height ~ 1:45. Brass has great character. Great cascade of piccolo flutes (?) from heights.
The Beast lets Belle go-
Timpani drums build up ~1:10
Battle on the tower:
Love the flourishes from the ceiling. ‘Tinkles’. (Can’t name instruments used)- Very engaging. Harp extends left side with strums. Demo worthy.
Beautiful build up in scale. Horns and strings combined -pull at heart strings. ( Imagine this to be a tear jerker moment.) Great ending.
Beauty and the beast (Celine Dion & Peabo Bryson-
I love the minimalist pattering of percussion around the listening position. Great vocal performance in duet setting. Drum hits in rears ~ 2 mins. Very accomplished. Demo worthy.
The ability for this to transport me back to a primary aged kid, standing in front of my crappy stereo listening intently to story books is impressive.
Verdict: If I had the chance to listen to this as a youngster in my current setting- would’ve been a truly enchanting experience.
I am judging this on a classical music scale, and note many demo worthy moments within this context. Very tempted to give thus a 9.5 - were it not for the detrimental effect upon my ‘street- cred’.