My listening thoughts and personal perspective on this new release:
It’s Euphoric
Dance beat- but real drums. Hand claps in rears. Main vocal fronts -> the vocal response directly behind listening position. Interesting treatment of drums with ~min to go. Vocal appears confined to center with reverb spreading to floor fronts.
Give it up for love:
Percussion has the effect of floating above/behind listening position with textured beat elements (later discovered beats developed from/in conjunction with William Orbit). At times parts move to fronts.
Dislike: sounds a bit cluttered near end
Some things you’ll never know:
Interesting bass line. House-style keyboard stabs tend to float around listening position, with bass line doing this around a min to go. Uniquely textured song.
Mountain song:
Objects tend to float with difficulty pin-pointing origin. Love the section around 2 mins with a lot of height effects employed. Constant muted synth clap left rear. Very active usage of sound field. Nice circular pans near end.
All night:
Quite complex section around 2 mins towards end with deep bass extensions.
Like we were dancing ( part 1):
Bass has the appearance of extending forward from fronts.
The dream:
Cool drum pan ~ 2:15.
Keep on:
Interesting vocals ~ 7 secs to end.
Friends will never let you go:
Adventurous drums and vocal effects. Verging on accoustic jungle beat.
So what:
Interesting drums from ~ 2:15 . Dreamy vocal effects follow. Drums have a stomping quality- increasing in Intensity.
Verdict: Quite an active mix that is definitely not anaemic, but at times can sound a little too ambitious- lacking the refinement of a more accomplished mix, with elements at times sounding cluttered/competing against each other. Full marks however for trying to keep things interesting with elements moving in step with the myriad of filters, reverbs, sweeps and other effects employed and usage of height and dimensions, rather than single speaker isolation of elements.
An album deeply rooted in dance music with a highly textured beat arrangement- with a more organic feel- apparently due to usage of (at least in part) to an acoustic drum kit.
No demo moments for me- but certainly some interesting Atmos moments- that make full usage of the speaker array. Musically probably extended two tracks too long as soundscapes started losing any sense of uniqueness near end. Some may love this more than me- particularly those with dance music inclinations- just in my opinion better albums within this genre existing ATM. 7.5/10.