Listening to in Dolby Atmos Streaming, via Tidal/Apple/Amazon


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nice to see Ealan Osborne's getting into Atmos Music now and talking about it on YouTube! 🤩🥳💘

Nice! Gonna watch that later. Interesting tidbit from the comments:

"Hey, mixing engineer here. Some labels don’t like putting the vocals on the center channel and explicitly ask to use a more traditional phantom center (left and right channel) its not obligatory but they do recommend it. Whether its better or worst is a discussion for another time."
Yussef Dayes ~ Black Classical Music

A lovely Sunday morning listen.
Discovered from this article in The Guardian:
Jazz star Yussef Dayes: ‘Other people had David Beckham as their hero – I had the drummer Billy Cobham’


Mix is delightfully quad, in the proper L-R-LS-RS configuration, mere whisper of signal in the other channels.
Height content vigilantes need not listen or comment. :p

Track 4 has a delightful bass line from Rocco Palladino, son of Pino.

I've posted about this guy a bit in the earworm thread - I love his work with Tom Misch (if you like this album I highly recommend you check out What Kinda Music (a collaboration they did a couple of years ago) even though it's only available in stereo, and his stuff with Alfa Mist is amazing too.

Having said that, I was really looking forward to hearing Black Classical Music - an album he's been dropping (stereo) singles from for a few months now - in Atmos and I was bitterly disappointed with the mix. I don't know if it's an upmix, but it sounded like double stereo quad to me - if it is an actual surround mix the "immersive" effect is so small it might as well be zero.

It's a shame too, because it's a beautifully recorded and produced album with plenty of elements that would've lent themselves to an aggressively-mixed surround experience.
Happy Birthday John!

excerpt from post linked above:


To celebrate John’s birthday today, October 9th, a new Deluxe and Expanded version of Imagine (The Ultimate Collection) is now available to stream and download, including the entire full-length collection of tracks (some previously only available on Blu-Ray) in Hi-Res Stereo and Spatial Audio/Dolby Atmos.

Rather than releasing all 78 tracks in one massive long playlist, each set of mixes (Ultimate, Elements, Evolution, Raw Studio and Out-Takes) is now being released as 5 separate albums, to be listened to and enjoyed in the way they were originally intended, as produced and curated by Yoko Ono Lennon.

We’ll be doing the same with the John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band Ultimate Collection soon, and then releasing a brand new, completely remixed Mind Games (The Ultimate Collection) in the summer of 2024, featuring an incredible six albums worth of material, followed by even more surprises later in the year.

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I think this is fantastic news!!!


I'm quite glad that Sometime in New York City was skipped in favour of Mind Games. I'm really looking forward to hearing this upcoming set.

John Winston Lennon, born 9 October 1940, Liverpool

Has anyone heard anything about the possibility of improved resolution for streaming ATMOS?

Someone over on Hoffman posted about how crappy streaming sounds compared to BluRay. So, I did something really stupid cause I already knew the answer.

I pulled out my BluRay with Abbey Road in ATMOS and played it. I had the same recording going on Apple Music on my AppleTV and I switched back and forth, adjusting to make sure they were at the same volume.

I’m ruined. The difference was astounding. Easiest example is the ability to hear the sound of the room on the Blu-ray and lucious reverb tails.

Streaming, not so much.

I’m still going to stream, and I will enjoy, but yes, streaming ATMOS has a longggggggg way to go. I hope someone’s started the journey over at Dolbyville.

A/B testing Bluray VS Streaming is for sure noticeable even for the laymen. This is a common theme in the Home Theater community as well. I confess, I used to be (and still kind of am) a defender of the lossy distribution model simply because 98% of people either A cannot tell the difference or B. don't have nice enough equipment to tell the difference and the businessman in me just agrees - why increase bandwidth and infrastructure cost to appease the 2% of us snobs.

The Bluray difference pulls ahead even farther if you have a 7.1 setup because you are getting separately discrete mixed back channels via the 7.1 HD bed and not from metadata like you do with streaming.
John Winston Lennon, born 9 October 1940, Liverpool

Well , this is certainly different!!
Now I'm a big fan of instrumentals and this Elements mix certainly pushes those boundaries to the max.
To hear John's voice on 'Oh My Love' is hauntingly sublime.
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No, I believe they are just making the content from the Blu-ray available on streaming services, except I think the Quad is still exclusive to the Blu-ray.
The Imagine Blu-Ray only had 5.1 and quad (no Atmos or immersive streaming in 2018). These Atmos mixes on the streaming services were done sometime after the box set came out.
The Imagine Blu-Ray only had 5.1 and quad (no Atmos or immersive streaming in 2018). These Atmos mixes on the streaming services were done sometime after the box set came out.
My mistake, I knew that box had no Atmos but the way the announcement was worded made it sound like they were just releasing the 5.1 content on streaming. Cool that they are new mixes!