Listening to in Dolby Atmos Streaming, via Tidal/Apple/Amazon


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Prince - Live at Glam Slam
It's alive!
Thoroughly enjoying this, Prince knew how to put on a show.
Strangely, I've only gotten into Prince since I started listening to surround music.
So much more to this pocket dynamite, than I ever realised, back in his heyday.
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Is this a new Atmos mix, or just the Eddie Kramer 5.1 mix that was released on disc a few years ago?
i don't know what it is but i'm absolutely loving it!! 🥰
giving it a first tryout now and stuff's happening all over the place on my 5.1 setup 🥳🤩
will give it another spin/stream (!) in full 7.1.4 later on ✌️🤗
i don't know what it is but i'm absolutely loving it!! 🥰
giving it a first tryout now and stuff's happening all over the place on my 5.1 setup 🥳🤩
will give it another spin/stream (!) in full 7.1.4 later on ✌️🤗
Thank you both for your replies. I remember one thing I did not like about the Kramer 5.1 was that the lead vocals were everywhere all at once, whereas I prefer them to be fixed to a specific place (e.g., front and center). I will have to listen to if that is still the case with this new mix but won't get a chance until later tonight.
Thank you both for your replies. I remember one thing I did not like about the Kramer 5.1 was that the lead vocals were everywhere all at once, whereas I prefer them to be fixed to a specific place (e.g., front and center). I will have to listen to if that is still the case with this new mix but won't get a chance until later tonight.
err.. caution! 😅😉 on certain tracks it feels like vocals are getting panned around and about all the speakers!! 😵 i think it's gonna get some complaints for being too crazy a mix tbh but i'm loving it so far!! 😍
A/B testing Bluray VS Streaming is for sure noticeable even for the laymen. This is a common theme in the Home Theater community as well. I confess, I used to be (and still kind of am) a defender of the lossy distribution model simply because 98% of people either A cannot tell the difference or B. don't have nice enough equipment to tell the difference and the businessman in me just agrees - why increase bandwidth and infrastructure cost to appease the 2% of us snobs.

The Bluray difference pulls ahead even farther if you have a 7.1 setup because you are getting separately discrete mixed back channels via the 7.1 HD bed and not from metadata like you do with streaming.
I love what streaming has done to increase the availability of multi channel music, so that’s a huge plus, and I pay for it. However, it’s really disappointing that the sound quality is so diminished compared to Blu-ray’s.

Even more disappointing when realizing that so few people have playback systems that have the capabilities to hear the difference! As you point out, that probably has to change before we get improved near lossless or lossless sound quality for streaming multi channel.