Listening to in Dolby Atmos Streaming, via Tidal/Apple/Amazon


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It’s been impressive from your posts just how much new/recent stuff is out there in so many genres.
yes, there's tons, it's quite remarkable!! 🤩🥳

i find these things in a number of ways, including on Elton's Apple Radio Show/Podcast thingy where he always mentions a few new artists or albums he's championing, then there's email mailshots from the various record labels i'm subscribed to, also i look through other users' playlists to see what they are listening to, then there's Apple's own lists of new releases and hot tracks (not under the Spatial Audio category) all of which i trawl through and stumble upon new tracks pretty much constantly and then i dump the motherlode on here! 😅🤯🤣

there's more unexpected places, for instance i found a new mini slew of Italian artists in Atmos last night after watching Ru Paul's Drag Race Italia with my partner! 🇮🇹💃🏽🌈🪩
Miles in the Sky Atmos mix sounds good, and it is nice to have Miles trumpet in the center channel for a little more separation. Being that this is his first album to have electric instruments, I figured they could at least put the keyboards in the rears. I have the In the Silent Way and Bitches Brew SACDs and agree that the mixes are killer. Anyone know how many tracks they had to work with when creating the Atmos mix (was this album recorded 4 or 8 tracks)
I only listened in stereo with A pair of buds but it seems that this is much more muffled than the original stereo mix and it also seems that things like the drums and cymbals are opposite of what they are in the old mix as well
Waiting for my blu ray…..
