Listening to in Dolby Atmos Streaming, via Tidal/Apple/Amazon


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Works for me! Solid mix. Yeah, it could be better, of course you would expect the harmonies in "Stuck with You" in the rears but hey. :) I'm quite happy with it overall. For an album that I know by heart second for second, this is a great new experience. "Naturally" works just as magnificently as I was hoping!

Don't forget that Back in Time and Power of Love are available in Dolby Atmos as well. If you want the Europen version of Fore!, just slap PoL in before Forest for the Trees.
Rage Against The Machine - Rage Against The Machine
Tidal (360) -

Was as excited to see this appear, as if @fredblue had a knock on the door from Sir Elton and Greg Penny asking him to help them do the mix for 'Caribou'. I nearly had an episode of Premature Exclamation Disorder when listening to the first few seconds alone- as I had a sense this was gunna be good.

Has to be ranked as one of my top 5 albums, with in my opinion no dud track to be found.

Whomever mixed this sucker did a fantastic job.

I felt guilty not standing for applause after a complete listen.

No element felt misplaced, nor a surround effect gimmicky. Heights were used sparingly but when they did, to a fantastic effect. (The scream fade in my ceiling speakers mid way through 'Know Your Enemy' springs to mind).

Truly the best presentation, that I have heard this album of which I am intimately familiar with.

The ability to provide maximum instrument separation, yet maintain it's visceral power is commendable.

At no time did it become a cacophony of competing sound, and the lyrical delivery clear in impact and discernibility. The bass lines- which are a solid feature on this album were truly awesome.

A 10/10 for me. I thought the mixer brought out the elements of this album, and treated the content as in context of the album on a parallel as Bob Clearmountain achieved on what I consider the benchmark album treatment 'Avalon' mix. Very happy.:rocks🙌👏
Was as excited to see this appear, as if @fredblue had a knock on the door from Sir Elton and Greg Penny asking him to help them do the mix for 'Caribou'. I nearly had an episode of Premature Exclamation Disorder when listening to the first few seconds alone- as I had a sense this was gunna be good.

Has to be ranked as one of my top 5 albums, with in my opinion no dud track to be found.

Whomever mixed this sucker did a fantastic job.

I felt guilty not standing for applause after a complete listen.

No element felt misplaced, nor a surround effect gimmicky. Heights were used sparingly but when they did, to a fantastic effect. (The scream fade in my ceiling speakers mid way through 'Know Your Enemy' springs to mind).

Truly the best presentation, that I have heard this album of which I am intimately familiar with.

The ability to provide maximum instrument separation, yet maintain it's visceral power is commendable.

At no time did it become a cacophony of competing sound, and the lyrical delivery clear in impact and discernibility. The bass lines- which are a solid feature on this album were truly awesome.

A 10/10 for me. I thought the mixer brought out the elements of this album, and treated the content as in context of the album on a parallel as Bob Clearmountain achieved on what I consider the benchmark album treatment 'Avalon' mix. Very happy.:rocks🙌👏
Saluting this sound parade right now.
Holy monks.
That drum kit is my new pet.
New Tragically Hip
And a twofer, while browsing this morning I noticed a “Piano Versions” of a new album from Erland Cooper, whom you may remember from the ever growing Music For Growing Flowers EP + Singles that lead to a full album…
Turns out he had a new album out in May?
and the piano versions that acted as a tip off:
Was as excited to see this appear, as if @fredblue had a knock on the door from Sir Elton and Greg Penny asking him to help them do the mix for 'Caribou'. I nearly had an episode of Premature Exclamation Disorder when listening to the first few seconds alone- as I had a sense this was gunna be good.

Has to be ranked as one of my top 5 albums, with in my opinion no dud track to be found.

Whomever mixed this sucker did a fantastic job.

I felt guilty not standing for applause after a complete listen.

No element felt misplaced, nor a surround effect gimmicky. Heights were used sparingly but when they did, to a fantastic effect. (The scream fade in my ceiling speakers mid way through 'Know Your Enemy' springs to mind).

Truly the best presentation, that I have heard this album of which I am intimately familiar with.

The ability to provide maximum instrument separation, yet maintain it's visceral power is commendable.

At no time did it become a cacophony of competing sound, and the lyrical delivery clear in impact and discernibility. The bass lines- which are a solid feature on this album were truly awesome.

A 10/10 for me. I thought the mixer brought out the elements of this album, and treated the content as in context of the album on a parallel as Bob Clearmountain achieved on what I consider the benchmark album treatment 'Avalon' mix. Very happy.:rocks🙌👏

Have to agree with how great this sounds. Think the Audio Fidelity SACD still has an edge but I like, as with all good Atmos mixes, that the availability of extra bandwidth across the speakers really opens up the music.

Any idea who mixed it? I’m excited to hear the next two albums. Really hope that happens. Because they upped the sonics with each release.
I'm listening to this now right after finishing RATM, and this mix is boring, it's a good 7.1 mix and nothing more. Why bother to call it Atmos?

There was a time we would be thrilled with a good 7.1 mix. But since the only way to deliver it on streaming services is within an Atmos encoding, we aren't going to enjoy it any more?
There was a time we would be thrilled with a good 7.1 mix. But since the only way to deliver it on streaming services is within an Atmos encoding, we aren't going to enjoy it any more?
This is supposed to be released as an Atmos BD, fortunately that it's possible to sample on AM before buying. ;)
Was as excited to see this appear, as if @fredblue had a knock on the door from Sir Elton and Greg Penny asking him to help them do the mix for 'Caribou'. I nearly had an episode of Premature Exclamation Disorder when listening to the first few seconds alone- as I had a sense this was gunna be good.

Has to be ranked as one of my top 5 albums, with in my opinion no dud track to be found.

Whomever mixed this sucker did a fantastic job.

I felt guilty not standing for applause after a complete listen.

No element felt misplaced, nor a surround effect gimmicky. Heights were used sparingly but when they did, to a fantastic effect. (The scream fade in my ceiling speakers mid way through 'Know Your Enemy' springs to mind).

Truly the best presentation, that I have heard this album of which I am intimately familiar with.

The ability to provide maximum instrument separation, yet maintain it's visceral power is commendable.

At no time did it become a cacophony of competing sound, and the lyrical delivery clear in impact and discernibility. The bass lines- which are a solid feature on this album were truly awesome.

A 10/10 for me. I thought the mixer brought out the elements of this album, and treated the content as in context of the album on a parallel as Bob Clearmountain achieved on what I consider the benchmark album treatment 'Avalon' mix. Very happy.:rocks🙌👏
Holy smokes I never thought I’d see this one in surround. Released Nov. 3, 1992 and just as relevant today as it was then.

I guess I’ll have to renew my Apple Music subscription and god damnit get SDE on the phone for a blu-ray!!!!!!!!

Hopefully we see Evil Empire get similar treatment.

the new mixes for the Red and Blue albums haven't been released yet.

Except for Love Me Do, as part of the Now and Then single.
I know, however …‘Love Me Do’ is today showing as Atmos on the Red Album link. ‘Now and Then’ was showing yesterday as Atmos and still today on The Blue Album link. I think it’s something to do with my caching as I’m in Sydney and mainly listening on a US account.
I know, however …‘Love Me Do’ is today showing as Atmos on the Red Album link. ‘Now and Then’ was showing yesterday as Atmos and still today on The Blue Album link. I think it’s something to do with my caching as I’m in Sydney and mainly listening on a US account.

Why wouldn't they? Both of those songs were released as Atmos and can be listened to via the single or the album links. It's the same tracks.
Rage Against The Machine - Rage Against The Machine
Tidal (360) -
Here's a first for me ...just linked my wireless Xbox headphones to me new dog and bone.

Kin hell, how good does this sound. Swirling round me lug holes.

Don't worry normal service will be resumed shortly, as I'm currently watching Manu desperately trying to play football...