Listening to in Dolby Atmos Streaming, via Tidal/Apple/Amazon


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  • Image 6-11-24 at 11.54 PM.jpeg
    Image 6-11-24 at 11.54 PM.jpeg
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That Springsteen album is just a collection of the previously available nugs releases that were from that tour to celebrate the anniversary of Born In The USA.
I doubt anyone is going to go back and "Atmos" them.
Besides the frustration that Siri can only interpret “Jon Anderson” as “John Anderson” and gives me the country artist, it was worth the extra effort to hear this first single.

Atmos-ly speaking, it’s nothing too special, but song-wise it’s one of those upbeat, happy Jon Anderson songs. Nice way to start my day.

It has a Rabin-era vibe to it and makes you wonder what Anderson/Rabin/Wakeman would have come up with had they stuck around for a studio album.

(Might as well add the video, too.)

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Besides the frustration that Siri can only interpret “Jon Anderson” as “John Anderson” and gives me the country artist, it was worth the extra effort to hear this first single.

Atmos-ly speaking, it’s nothing too special, but song-wise it’s one of those upbeat, happy Jon Anderson songs. Nice way to start my day.

It has a Rabin-era vibe to it and makes you wonder what Anderson/Rabin/Wakeman would have come up with had they stuck around for a studio album.

Not a bad song and the band does a good impersonation of the original Yes. Atmos mix is interesting too. And the record cover is terrible!
Besides the frustration that Siri can only interpret “Jon Anderson” as “John Anderson” and gives me the country artist, it was worth the extra effort to hear this first single.

Atmos-ly speaking, it’s nothing too special, but song-wise it’s one of those upbeat, happy Jon Anderson songs. Nice way to start my day.

It has a Rabin-era vibe to it and makes you wonder what Anderson/Rabin/Wakeman would have come up with had they stuck around for a studio album.

Yeah, I do like the song and very reminiscent of the Rabin era. It wouldn't have sounded out of place on the Talk album. I think I like this more than anything from the last couple of Yes albums.

As I've been housebound for the last month, I've spent more time than usual on YouTube. I've been watching clips of Jon and his new band. I've never been motivated to see one of his solo shows in the past, but this band is excellent. They really do justice to the Yes classics. I may catch them when they swing around my way.