Listening to Now (In Surround) - Volume 2


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Oh yes!
I see they offered the 5.1 in both DD and DTS.
Too bad they didn't include Auro too.

Considering that Lutz Meinert has done almost all the production work, I am satisfied with the 5.1 mix in DD/DTS that has enough good sound quality.

Of course, more immersive 3D would be preferred when having the system at home, but I guess the cost for Lutz for technically mixing in 3D and eventual Blu-ray licensing cost would have been too much for him. Just look for the wonderful slide show in the video part of the DVD. Video film would have been better but more difficult/expensive for him.

I think the immersive 3D option to choose would be Dolby Atmos, instead of Auro, if looking for more release possibilities like DD+/Atmos for Tidal.

Either way, if you have an Auro system like me, you can engage Auro-Matic and check the result.
I see they offered the 5.1 in both DD and DTS.
Too bad they didn't include Auro too.
Considering that Lutz Meinert has done almost all the production work, I am satisfied with the 5.1 mix in DD/DTS that has enough good sound quality.
Yea, me too. For some reason when I read the post I was reading Atmos & DTS-X and I was thinking it would have been nice to have it available on all three current 3D systems.. Just a brain fart on my part. :(
You were right on all the points you made but,
Lastly, I do have Auro and upsampling to it would hardly be the same thing as a discrete mix.
The opportunities I've had to compare the 3 systems with the same material have been slim but I have found I preferred Auro the few times it could be done. :)
Yeah I love those Dave M. Quads also; but for me his vocals in the phantom center always seems too far back in the mix. Hopefully another few that DV can get ahold on and love; polish up for us and make it more Poppin' Fresh Great!
Agree on the vocal in the mix. Have to nudge the joystick his way.
Pink Floyd
Wish U were Here quad bluray
Isn't it wonderful we have a number of their albums in stereo, quad, and 5.1 !
All fantastic mixes to fill any empty whole in your musical desire with a simple disc or file swap.
Now it's time to go back to the masters and start mixing up some immersive stuff like Atmos, Auro, or DTS-X.
Maybe all 3 just to really spice things up. :p