Listening to Now (In Surround) - Volume 2


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Picked up a second copy of this disc about a week or so ago.

Anyways played it last nite and ......HUH ??!!??

The cd side plays the DVDA side ! And vice versa, also I hit 2 ch on my menu to get the videos in DD 5.1 !! Really, really bizarre this master.

It now becomes a WEIRD Circus act!..... A,.What in Hades FREEZE OVER type Collector's item. Just Never Ever encountered any disc such as this. :mad:@:

Nine Inch Nails-Downward Spiral (DualDisc)-DVDA


Oh and fwiw....the surround on this disc is excellent if anyone's interested.
And a QUAD Qlassic,

The Guess Who-Canned Wheat.

The songs with this version(fr Q8) are better and longer versions in comparison to Best Of Vol One . Would be nice to get fr A.P. or any other willing SACD contender.Perhaps Sony Japan.:smokin

And they have better music but, it's likely Sony Japan can supply the quad SACD of this.(y)



BBB - Live n' Bernin' - Monster Music BD - Pure Audio - LPCM 5.1 (Auro-3D also available on the disc)

I've been hunting for this disc since it came out... But as with other's Monster Music titles this BD almost impossible to buy outside US.:( It even doesn't mentioned anywhere on Monster Music own site!:yikes Could you please post some photos of cover and disc itself? Thank you!
Yes, I know that, but thanks anyway!(y) But the international shipping is insanely high there.:mad:

Amazon and cdbaby who are distributors are currently out of stock It might be worth reaching out to widescreen review who I believe produced it.
The Grateful Dead-Workingman's Dead...had to hear Casey Jones(y)...excellent disc

Still kind of pricey as well... Which is too bad, considering American Beauty can be had for under $20. Probably because they did a dualdisc version.

It's on my list of OOP discs to track down someday