I am currently listening to Jean-Michel Jarre - Aero. This is my 2nd time through the disc in 24 hours. If you are looking for an active and discrete surround mix, do not miss this disc. Some people will say this is OVER-active. I say, bring it on! This is one of the most surround-y experiences you can get in surround mixed music.
For those not familiar with his work, it is electronic music from the 70s and 80s, in the same vein as Tangerine Dream. I loved it in stereo, and I love it in surround. You can check the comments from others in the poll thread here:
If rotational panning floats your boat, get this one pronto!
PS: I went to see him in concert in 2017, and I am sad to report he had taken the "beats bait" and made most of his music sound like shitty modern "un-chi un-chi un-chi" stuff. Thankfully, this older work does not suffer from that malady. Just my opinion.
For those not familiar with his work, it is electronic music from the 70s and 80s, in the same vein as Tangerine Dream. I loved it in stereo, and I love it in surround. You can check the comments from others in the poll thread here:
If rotational panning floats your boat, get this one pronto!
PS: I went to see him in concert in 2017, and I am sad to report he had taken the "beats bait" and made most of his music sound like shitty modern "un-chi un-chi un-chi" stuff. Thankfully, this older work does not suffer from that malady. Just my opinion.