as i alluded to in my little play on words to "Michelle" in the Poll thread, that Michel Legrand Twenty Songs Quad was originally released on the Bell label (in the States and Japan) in SQ LP form only with no Quad tape option and only in limited numbers since afaik the label as it was went tits up not long after it came out.. while its easy listening and patently not Aerosmith, Santana etc., I think there were other factors going against it more than the content because we know that style of stuff sold well back in the day and maybe its scarcity as a Quad release is why it wasn't better appreciated by Quaddies in the 70's and more fondly remembered in the years hence and so hasn't garnered as much attention at QQ now as maybe it should..!?
ah i dunno.. all's i know is we have it now in all its multichannel master tape glory! its great, innit!