Looking for most inexpensive universal disc player recommendations...NOT SONY!


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Stopping complaining about some obvious immoral BS isn't my style. šŸ˜‚

I just got off the phone with Sony's highest level of customer relations. They are sending a bunch of feedback direct to Sony's engineering department. I told them sales descriptions need to be changed, that there is much documentation online stating that NOBODY can play these discs using this unit, despite them working on other units. There needs to be a firmware update to correct this. I recommend everybody else who has the time to call Sony assistance and escalate this to the highest to send these same concerns to the engineering department and demand a firmware update to correct this. I am also exchanging this defective unit in case another one works to the description, and will review on the Amazon listings so other potential buyers are aware of the incorrect descriptions.

I doubt a firmware update will happen, but the more people that give this feedback to Sony, the better the chances.

I donā€™t get what you mean by ā€œdefectiveā€ on these units. Maybe the documentation isnā€™t clear on a few issues. But, had you been a member here when Sony first started making these units, everyone understood what these units could do, and what they could not.

Contacting Sony maybe might make a change in the manual or advertising, but we donā€™t want them to take away features with a new Firmware update. If oneā€™s player is working as intended, I personally, for my own needs, donā€™t recommend update for unit. Although I could be wrong, and an update might be needed for say, certain discs like the 4K ones.
I donā€™t get what you mean by ā€œdefectiveā€ on these units. Maybe the documentation isnā€™t clear on a few issues. But, had you been a member here when Sony first started making these units, everyone understood what these units could do, and what they could not.

Contacting Sony maybe might make a change in the manual or advertising, but we donā€™t want them to take away features with a new Firmware update. If oneā€™s player is working as intended, I personally, for my own needs, donā€™t recommend update for unit. Although I could be wrong, and an update might be needed for say, certain discs like the 4K ones.
They are defective because all documentation CLEARLY states (not unclear) that they can play DVD+R and DVD-R. The defect is likely in the firmware, not the hardware. It's good to let the engineering team know about the defect so they can address it.
They are defective because all documentation CLEARLY states (not unclear) that they can play DVD+R and DVD-R. The defect is likely in the firmware, not the hardware. It's good to let the engineering team know about the defect so they can address it.

Got it. Well, thereā€™s two versions of the player if memory serves. I have the first version. It will play DVD-R discs (have not tried DVD+R). But, unfortunately it will not play a copy of oneā€™s store bought DVD-Audio. It will play the DVD-V section of a DVD-Audio disc. If your player can do this, then maybe itā€™s not defensive. But, if you bought a unit expecting it to play a copy of your store bought bought DVD-Audio, one can understand the want to return it.
It seems like every few months the members here are expected/commanded to retest this player because of (new) threads like this. I'm 99% sure this has been covered at least once, likely multiple times, in the past on this forum. I personally read some of the threads when researching this player prior to purchase.
Stopping complaining about some obvious immoral BS isn't my style. šŸ˜‚

I just got off the phone with Sony's highest level of customer relations. They are sending a bunch of feedback direct to Sony's engineering department. I told them sales descriptions need to be changed, that there is much documentation online stating that NOBODY can play these discs using this unit, despite them working on other units. There needs to be a firmware update to correct this. I recommend everybody else who has the time to call Sony assistance and escalate this to the highest to send these same concerns to the engineering department and demand a firmware update to correct this. I am also exchanging this defective unit in case another one works to the description, and will review on the Amazon listings so other potential buyers are aware of the incorrect descriptions.

I doubt a firmware update will happen, but the more people that give this feedback to Sony, the better the chances.
Based on how your posts are being read from here, I'm betting they were doing everything in their power to just get you off the phone. Chances of them taking any action or implementing a single change as a result of your phone call with Sony's equivalent of the genius bar at their outsourced customer service center are near zero. Probably, actually, zero. But hopefully venting helped you, and gave the agents some practice and training time dealing with a challenging caller.
Based on how your posts are being read from here, I'm betting they were doing everything in their power to just get you off the phone. Chances of them taking any action or implementing a single change as a result of your phone call with Sony's equivalent of the genius bar at their outsourced customer service center are near zero. Probably, actually, zero. But hopefully venting helped you, and gave the agents some practice and training time dealing with a challenging caller.
No sir, what is actually happening is they are doing their best to avoid action and deflect blame on a known problem with their product. Do you really believe the consumer is in the wrong for the misrepresentation of a player that claims to play DVD+R and DVD-R? All Sony really needs to do is remove those claims from the product description, and offer returns to consumers who purchased the product based on their incorrect description if they so wish. Really no big deal. You don't believe in truth in product descriptions and advertising?
I do actually think they enjoyed having me on the phone. I was polite, joked with the representatives and laughed with them, went through their potential solutions (and was actually hopeful at one point), reached the top and then offered them some ideas on how to correct this, such as have the engineers try playing DVDRs, a firmware update, and updating website product descriptions. If you think I was somehow rude to representatives, that couldn't be farther from the case. I think Sony policies are to blame here, amd enjoyed my interactions with the people in central America that I spoke with. I know they enjoyed the interactions as well.
I do actually think they enjoyed having me on the phone. I was polite, joked with the representatives and laughed with them, went through their potential solutions (and was actually hopeful at one point), reached the top and then offered them some ideas on how to correct this, such as have the engineers try playing DVDRs, a firmware update, and updating website product descriptions. If you think I was somehow rude to representatives, that couldn't be farther from the case. I think Sony policies are to blame here, amd enjoyed my interactions with the people in central America that I spoke with. I know they enjoyed the interactions as well.

But to be clear; Are you saying that your player will not play any DVD-R or + discs at all? Are you also saying your unit will not play the DVD-V section of a copied DVD-Audio disc? Why do we need a Firmware update for?

Here is Page 35 of the manual:

Hey Rockin' Robby - This probably may not help but I have the same Sony BDP. I can play all formats - DVD-R, SACDs and DVD-As, 4k Blu Ray etc. I don't have any DVD+Rs. I can't imagine why your machine can't play them and I assume you checked your settings SACDs. I can play Dolby Atmos, 5.1 etc. I even have some old DTS CDs and it plays them no problem. If you have not already done so, check your firmware for an update. I am in the United States and have not had any region issues with stuff I have gotten from SDE. I really like the Sony because it was pretty reasonably priced and plays all these formats. I have mine hooked up direct to my receiver through HDMI and am using HDMI eArc from the TV to the receiver. Maybe you have a bad unit? Please let us know if you get it figured out.
Hello all! I have a Sony UBP-X800M2, and just discovered that it doesnt actually play DVD+R and DVD-R SACDs and DVD-As. Issue Playing Back Burned DVD-Audio Disc on Sony UBP-x800m2
Infuriating. šŸ˜ 
What are some recommendations for the most inexpensive universal players? I want it to play everything. Ultra HD Blu Ray, multi channel SACD, quad Blu Ray, DVDRs...everything this garbage Sony was SUPPOSED to play.
Thanks so much in advance for your experienced knowledge!
The thing is, I donā€™t want to leave anyone with the impression that these arenā€™t great Universal DVD-A, SACD and Blu-Ray players. I absolutely Love my player, never updated it, and Iā€™ve never had any problems with it in the 5 years or so that Iā€™ve had it. Thereā€™s simply no other new product for physical media playback that is out there. Except the $2500 option. For that much money, I can buy a new Atmos amp and two more of these Sonys. Maybe some speakers too.

Oppo is great, but they donā€™t make them anymore. And, Iā€™m not aware of any other new players out there for a reasonable price. The Sony is highly recommended.
Hey Rockin' Robby - This probably may not help but I have the same Sony BDP. I can play all formats - DVD-R, SACDs and DVD-As, 4k Blu Ray etc. I don't have any DVD+Rs. I can't imagine why your machine can't play them and I assume you checked your settings SACDs. I can play Dolby Atmos, 5.1 etc. I even have some old DTS CDs and it plays them no problem. If you have not already done so, check your firmware for an update. I am in the United States and have not had any region issues with stuff I have gotten from SDE. I really like the Sony because it was pretty reasonably priced and plays all these formats. I have mine hooked up direct to my receiver through HDMI and am using HDMI eArc from the TV to the receiver. Maybe you have a bad unit? Please let us know if you get it figured out.
Wow, thanks! Amazing you can play DVD-R when it seems nobody else can. I discovered the issue with a DVD+R, and figured the media just wasn't jiving for whatever reason. So I tried with a DVD-R, different manufacturer. It didn't work either. I then tried with other burned DVDs that all play in my older Sony Blu-Ray. I have tried a firmware update, none available.
I have a replacement unit coming, a defective unit would make the most sense if their product description is correct.

I have a gut feeling they've locked down burnable media for copy protection issues. I actually had one of the Sony reps on the phone accuse me of trying to play pirated movies...pretty offensive. I was really trying to play a recording of a 70s Aerosmith album I have purchased 4 times in different formats and editions. I've never had an interest in pirating movies. I'm a guy who has multiple physical copies of my favorite albums, these companies should love me. I also have memberships to TWO music streaming services that give me access to all of this material. I appreciate artists and pay for my shit. It's pretty rude of a Sony rep to accuse a paying customer of criminal activity for absolutely no reason.

I spoke to a number of different reps at different levels, and none of them said that the unit shouldn't play these discs.
That older player is being used as the CD/SACD player in my upstairs audio 2 channel system. The new 4k player is the one used for video and surround music in my other theatre system. It's busy! šŸ˜‚
Then the obvious solution is to buy a new 2-channel CD/SACD player for your 2-channel system, and return your older universal player to the multichannel system.
They are defective because all documentation CLEARLY states (not unclear) that they can play DVD+R and DVD-R. The defect is likely in the firmware, not the hardware. It's good to let the engineering team know about the defect so they can address it.
Okay, I have a UBP-X800 which as has been stated before is functionally identical to the X800m2 in this respect. This player will play DVD-R and DVD+R as stated in the manual. I have verified this today with copies of DVD-V material. What it will not play is DVD-A or SACD discs burnt to DVD-R or DVD+R blanks. Again verified today with a DVD-A that I authored myself without any copy protection or watermarking. It plays pressed DVD-A and SACD without any issues.

As such the manual is correct in that it plays DVD-R and DVD+R. I agree that it could be fixed via firmware but I'd be surprised (and pleased) if they ever did it.
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If Sony changes anything, they will only allow in-spec burned non-watermarked discs, you know, the kind that consumers would be making for their own content, or maybe small-run commercial discs.

They will never allow SACD-Rs.

The current feature-set is perfectly reasonable. In the major countries where Sony operates, nobody at home is really using DVD-A, and those that do have an overwhelming amount of pressed commercial titles over burned commercial titles. In these major countries, making backups of your owned content ranges from a legal grey area to downright illegal and in Sony's home country, can get you real-world jail time. If we eliminate the backup and piracy buckets, we aren't left with anybody really who needs DVD-R based DVD-A playback. It's rare that DVD-A discs contain anything that extensively uses the format's capabilities, and people making multichannel music, due to the lack of authoring tools, would either be doing a normal DVD or jumping straight to Blu-ray, where the two largest support bases lie. Also, in the internet age, more people are using FLAC files than discs, which can be easily loaded off a USB.

The X800 series are for those who own enough physical media to warrant a universal player. The X800 series does almost everything you need for commercial and user-created media. It's fine to ask for DVD-R DVD-A support, I have no problem against that. However, I think it's a bit silly to bash Sony extensively for not supporting a feature that very few people are going to legitimately use, regardless of whether the restrictions may be arbitrary or not. Those who are wanting to use backups to preserve their discs would usually not be using discs.

Just my two cents...FWIW.