MANSUN - Attack of the Grey Lantern boxset


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Any word on the quality of this P-dub dude's surround mixes? I'm really wanting to pre-order this, but a little apprehensive...

thanks for the reminder! I picked up Paul Draper's 5.1 music DVD but it got buried in the piles of incoming stuff and i totally forgot about it! i'll give it a spin today and post back here 👍
I would definitely purchase a 5.1 download if available seperatly. The boxset is currently about £40, which is a bit too much for my fanpoint standing.

But that’s great they’re into listening to feedback, good work!
Any word on the quality of this P-dub dude's surround mixes? I'm really wanting to pre-order this, but a little apprehensive...

Just gave the 5.1 it's first spin and first impressions I'm disappointed. For me the mix is a bit cluttered and too front focused. There was a real opportunity to use the rears to open up the mix, which is very layered and complex and give it some space but on first hearing it sounds rather harsh and a bit distorted. It's also mixed too bright in my opinion , I had to turn the treble right down, the bass is also a bit all over the place. First impressions it's a missed opportunity as I was expecting so much more, I will give it another listen through, weirdly the DD track sounded better than the DTS 96/24 for some strange reason. It's also dissapointing that there is no high res. 5.1 mix included which might go some way to explaining the apparent lack of quality however all the Wilson mixed Jethro Tull albums sound amazing in DTS 96/24. Will be interested to hear what other people think of it.
Just gave the 5.1 it's first spin and first impressions I'm disappointed. For me the mix is a bit cluttered and too front focused. There was a real opportunity to use the rears to open up the mix, which is very layered and complex and give it some space but on first hearing it sounds rather harsh and a bit distorted. It's also mixed too bright in my opinion , I had to turn the treble right down, the bass is also a bit all over the place. First impressions it's a missed opportunity as I was expecting so much more, I will give it another listen through, weirdly the DD track sounded better than the DTS 96/24 for some strange reason. It's also dissapointing that there is no high res. 5.1 mix included which might go some way to explaining the apparent lack of quality however all the Wilson mixed Jethro Tull albums sound amazing in DTS 96/24. Will be interested to hear what other people think of it.

Oh dear, I'm not a huge Mansun fan but I pre-ordered this on a punt, although it hasn't turned up yet. I didn't get the 5.1 of Paul Drapers solo album, it's mixed by the same guy I think, does that suffer from the same issues?
I'm sure I read somewhere or saw on a video that Paul Draper likes the 'Lo-Fi' approach to sound quality, but I could be mistaken. At the end of the day though I do really like Mansun. so its the music first for me...........but I'll have to wait until I'm back home in the UK to listen to the release!
Despite silently cursing myself for missing out on the Paul Draper 5.1, still on the fence about getting this. Damn, I wished the verdict was clearer. Used to be quite into the UK's 90's music scene (as far as a German teen with limited budget could be pre-internet) and love to see any of those bands crop up here. But lately I seem to have acquired too many box sets now gathering dust. Might need to get rid of some before ordering this… Come on guys, is it worth it?
Despite silently cursing myself for missing out on the Paul Draper 5.1, still on the fence about getting this. Damn, I wished the verdict was clearer. Used to be quite into the UK's 90's music scene (as far as a German teen with limited budget could be pre-internet) and love to see any of those bands crop up here. But lately I seem to have acquired too many box sets now gathering dust. Might need to get rid of some before ordering this… Come on guys, is it worth it?

I should have mine within the next few days, hopefully (maybe even today!!!) As soon as I get it, I'll give it a quick spin and post some thoughts here.
I picked up my Mansun box from the post office this morning and made a quick DTSCD for my Acura. Initial 5.1 mix impressions are not favorable at all. If anyone thinks Sgt Pepper is tame and boring, they need to listen to this to hear what a very boring 5.1 mix REALLY sounds like. [emoji849]

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I picked up my Mansun box from the post office this morning and made a quick DTSCD for my Acura. Initial 5.1 mix impressions are not favorable at all. If anyone thinks Sgt Pepper is tame and boring, they need to listen to this to hear what a very boring 5.1 mix REALLY sounds like. [emoji849]

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I was hoping to have received my copy today and every message I read about the 5.1 is more and more disappointing. I hope I will end up enjoying this like it eventually happened with Pepper

tbh I'm kinda dreading playing this when it arrives now, its rather unfortunate.. I didn't think the recent Paul Draper 5.1 (also a lead vocals all round style mix) was bad at all, I really enjoyed it in fact, with all the effects and vocals popping up in the rears I wasn't bored that's for sure!
On first listen while having lunch (working from home today, trying to recover from an annoying flu or whatever virus I picked up this time).
After the first two songs, I wouldn't dare to say the mix is so tame. The Chad Who loved put a smile on my face, with the lush orchestrations all around and the two acoustic guitars kicking in FR first and then FL. After that it's all a bit crazy, with lead vocal in all the five speakers, but apart from this (and for now), rest of the instruments are placed discreetly in all speakers, with some nice bouncing effects even.
Taxloss has got a bit of sibilance in the vocal, but I would not say the mastering is too bright.
Let me reach the end of the record and get a better formed opinion.