HiRez Poll Midler, Bette - THE DIVINE MISS M [Blu-Ray Audio]


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Rate the BDA of Bette Midler - THE DIVINE MISS M

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  • 1: Terrible Content, Surround Mix, and Fidelity

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Oct 31, 2008
Middle TN
Please post your thoughts and comments on this brand new reissue of the classic Bette Midler album "The Divine Miss M".
This reissue on Blu-Ray Audio is part of Rhino's ongoing Quadio series and includes the first release of the original Quadraphonic mix since the 1970s!

(y) :) (n)

A PLUPERFECT 10 if ever there was one! Superbly remastered from the original Atlantic DOLBY A master QUAD tapes, Ms Bette skillfully weaves her magic from tin pan alley to a World War II classic to Motown on steroids and turns John Prines's HELLO IN THERE from his original faster paced original into a heartfelt elegy to growing old and forgotten. Her articulation is superb, the arrangements beyond reproach and the RHINO team has managed to preserve every minute nuance of what I consider Ms Midler's finest achievement EVER! And Tom Dowd's QUAD remix brilliantly captures THE DIVINE MISS M in sheer four corner MAGIC!

Thanks to Foraging Rhino and his A+ team at RHINO for at long last releasing this mini masterpiece in state of the art sonics!
I voted 9.
Oh brother, why do I expect styles of music and artists, to have a preconception that I am going to hate it.
Bette Midler, I am not going to like this.
But again, thanks to QQ another quality recording in 4.0.
Great voice, super great 4.0 surround mix.
Am I a Bette Midler fan boy now, no, but massive respect to this particular surround recording.
I actually think I will listen again, it is that good.

Please keep poll threads pure to your listening experience only.
I voted 9.
Oh brother, why do I expect styles of music and artists, to have a preconception that I am going to hate it.
Bette Midler, I am not going to like this.
But again, thanks to QQ another quality recording in 4.0.
Great voice, super great 4.0 surround mix.
Am I a Bette Midler fan boy now, no, but massive respect to this particular surround recording.
I actually think I will listen again, it is that good.

Please keep poll threads pure to your listening experience only.
Bette Midler is certainly an acquired taste, Markie, but glad you enjoyed her first recording for Atlantic. Only wish her second and IMO, equally impressive album simply entitled BETTE MIDLER again arranged/conducted by Barry Manilow and co produced with Arif Mardin would get the same QUAD treatment

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Glad to see this get the notices it deserves. And while I try and not use the term "quad demo disc" too much, this is in fact a quadraphonic demonstration disc.
Haven't had a chance to listen to this yet, but I have fond memories of receiving the album free and ahead of
release, thanks to Atlantic Records. I was a high school student who wrote a music column for the local paper
and had the cajones to use the paper's stationary to write to various record companies for albums to review.

They delivered! No "payola," sigh, but that was fine, lol. Among them were a Clapton solo (with a marketing pic inside),
weeks before official release.

Not sure I can review it non-prejudicially, but I"ll give it a try when I have the chance
and vote here. Back in the day I put the poster inside up on my wall, but since I gave all my vinyl to my nephew, can't check if it is still there
inside the album cover.
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I listened to this entire album and expected to be totally blown away, based on the CD-4 album I already own. I was not disappointed! But I tried to listen with new ears. I love Bette. I think she's super talented with a very strong voice. But at times, this album seemed almost juvenile. Chapel of Love, Leader of the Pack, Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy were all almost silly. You could almost tell this was her debut album. Strong voice but odd selections IMHO. But then you hear Superstar, Am I Blue and Hello In There and it's like 😳. You knew she was destined for great things.

Manilow produced this album? Maybe not the quad mix, though, because his quad albums IIRC were bland in the mix at best. But this is spectacular. Another 💯 for Rhino on this release. Another Blu-ray Quadio that you can use to truly show off your surround system.

I listened to this entire album and expected to be totally blown away, based on the CD-4 album I already own. I was not disappointed! But I tried to listen with new ears. I love Bette. I think she's super talented with a very strong voice. But at times, this album seemed almost juvenile. Chapel of Love, Leader of the Pack, Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy were all almost silly. You could almost tell this was her debut album. Strong voice but odd selections IMHO. But then you hear Superstar, Am I Blue and Hello In There and it's like 😳. You knew she was destined for great things.

Manilow produced this album? Maybe not the quad mix, though, because his quad albums IIRC were bland in the mix at best. But this is spectacular. Another 💯 for Rhino on this release. Another Blu-ray Quadio that you can use to truly show off your surround system.

For an even "deeper" dive into the Devine Miss M, Google her appearance on the Tonight Show for her "sit down" with Johnny Carson and her performance of "Hello In There". You will understand why Carson wanted her back as the last performer on the final episode of the Tonight Show. Talent like hers is truly "once in a lifetime". Her QUADIO is a sonic and performance masterpiece!
I listened to this entire album and expected to be totally blown away, based on the CD-4 album I already own. I was not disappointed! But I tried to listen with new ears. I love Bette. I think she's super talented with a very strong voice. But at times, this album seemed almost juvenile. Chapel of Love, Leader of the Pack, Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy were all almost silly. You could almost tell this was her debut album. Strong voice but odd selections IMHO. But then you hear Superstar, Am I Blue and Hello In There and it's like 😳. You knew she was destined for great things.

Manilow produced this album? Maybe not the quad mix, though, because his quad albums IIRC were bland in the mix at best. But this is spectacular. Another 💯 for Rhino on this release. Another Blu-ray Quadio that you can use to truly show off your surround system.

100 percent agree on the sound. 100 percent disagree on the album sounding "juvenile".
Her take on “Leader of the Pack” is incredible. It has a slight tongue in cheek quality that becomes clearest near the end when the chorus becomes celebratory. A terrible motorcycle accident has just happned, and just after they sound so upbeat, it's nutty in a great way. Every track has a great vocal and a killer arrangement.

I can go back to this one a couple or a few times per year and it will retain freshness. A solid 10.
100 percent agree on the sound. 100 percent disagree on the album sounding "juvenile".
I guess I should clarify. Some of the SONG SELECTIONS are juvenile. Not her. When you hear Am I Blue vs Friends, there's a clear distinction. But it was a great album to show everything she can do. Again, I gave it a 10.
On the first version of "Friends," Bette Midler's vocals seem to be primarily in the right rear channel, rather than the front channels. Has anyone noticed this? Is it possible my audio setup needs adjustment?
This was one Quadio I only picked up due to the accolades for it here. Not the style of music I normally listen to.
Having said that and listened one time I was very impressed and liked several of the tracks. Although I will always love and prefer the Carpenters version of Superstar I found the arrangement of it here very interesting and original. I will listen a few more times before voting but likely will be with the majority on this one.
I gave it a 9, as the surround mix was excellent - but I dropped it one point because like @jefe1 this isn't what I would normally reach for nor have I previously owned any Bette Midler. I have purchased all the Quadio discs so far, so buying the 4 disc set actually is more cost effective than just purchasing 3. Upon listening I actually enjoyed the music more than I thought I would.
I guess I should clarify. Some of the SONG SELECTIONS are juvenile. Not her. When you hear Am I Blue vs Friends, there's a clear distinction. But it was a great album to show everything she can do. Again, I gave it a 10.
Again, nothing juvenile about those songs . They were big pop hits from other eras, that's all. Old and young alike.