Mind Games Ultimate ~ Hidden Tracks & Easter Eggs


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2K Club - QQ Super Nova
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Jun 7, 2016
Lincoln, NE USA
Please limit discussion here strictly to the hidden tracks, easter eggs, etc.
As I await my delivery later today, most excited for two versions of Rock and Roll People, two of I'm The Greatest & 11 minutes of Mellotron Magic.

There are already posts in the main thread with questions & confusion.
I guess people bought this without reading 212 pages of posts on the hoffman forum. 🤪


Let's try to share here without cluttering the poll thread, and the main thread, which has predictably devolved into ripping & shipping posts.

Here's a fairly concise quote from shf:

In each BR disc start playing track one (Mind Games). Press the < , and the hidden track title will show up on the right side of the screen. Then press play

I'm the greatest. Ultimate mix section blu ray 1/cd 1
You are here outtake elemental mix no 4 take 4 blu ray disc 4/cd 2
Mellotron magic elements section of blu ray disc 1 (long)
Rock and roll people ultimate mix section of cd 5
Meat city single version ultimate mix section of cd 6
I'm the greatest evolution documentaries blu ray 2
Jam of matchbox, that's all right heartbreak hotel blu ray disc 2

I linked this video from mazzy in the main thread, it's rather rambling.

Buckle your seatbelts, in gonna be a fun weekend!

Please limit discussion here strictly to the hidden tracks, easter eggs, etc.
As I await my delivery later today, most excited for two versions of Rock and Roll People, two of I'm The Greatest & 11 minutes of Mellotron Magic.

There are already posts in the main thread with questions & confusion.
I guess people bought this without reading 212 pages of posts on the hoffman forum. 🤪


Let's try to share here without cluttering the poll thread, and the main thread, which has predictably devolved into ripping & shipping posts.

Here's a fairly concise quote from shf:

In each BR disc start playing track one (Mind Games). Press the < , and the hidden track title will show up on the right side of the screen. Then press play

I'm the greatest. Ultimate mix section blu ray 1/cd 1
You are here outtake elemental mix no 4 take 4 blu ray disc 4/cd 2
Mellotron magic elements section of blu ray disc 1 (long)
Rock and roll people ultimate mix section of cd 5
Meat city single version ultimate mix section of cd 6
I'm the greatest evolution documentaries blu ray 2
Jam of matchbox, that's all right heartbreak hotel blu ray disc 2

I linked this video from mazzy in the main thread, it's rather rambling.

Buckle your seatbelts, in gonna be a fun weekend!


Thank you.
More detail courtesy of our generous & enlightened friends on that other forum we use:

The main music content is 79 tracks (although 5 of those are Nutopian National Anthem, on CD 6 it is speech of the Declaration of Nutopia).
12 main tracks per disc x 6 (72) plus 7 hidden tracks:

I'm The Greatest [Ultimate Mix] 3:14 - CD1 (you have to rewind before track 1 to find it) & BR 1

You Are Here [Out-Take Take 4] 9:18 - CD2 & BR1
(Not the version from the Mind Games EP, that was Take 5 which appears on CD6 & BR2)

Mellotron Magic/Weird Slide Guitar 11:16 - CD3 & BR1

Rock 'n' Roll People [Ultimate Mix] 3:12 - CD5 & BR2 (UV text on box suggests CD5 only)

Meat City [Single Version Ultimate Mix] 2:52 - CD6 & BR2(UV text on box suggests CD6 only)

and these which are Blu Ray only:

I'm The Greatest [Evolution Documentary] 3:22 - BR2
Matchbox Jam 2:10 - BR2

Hidden Video on Blu Ray 1:

9 minute 56 second video of John from 1970 doing a guitar demo of Make Love Not War which is video content only. Looks to be from the same session as the piano demo that was released by the Lennons recently. From the Tony Cox video.

11 minutes 40 seconds Footage of the Mind Games advert featuring "The Queen" which is video only.
I stumbled across this "hidden" video on Blu Ray 1 when I left the room with the main menu displayed.
When I came back 15 or 20 minutes later, the "Queen" promo video was running.
It could be paused & rewound, but after it ended, back to main menu.

I muted the sound and left it run while reading.
Sure enough, it eventually pops up again after enough repeats of John in New York Mind Games menu video.

Anybody recognize this random guy with the Polaroid SX-70 instant camera?





Super! So does the CD1 ripping as 90 tracks, with most unnamed fit into this? I have not listened to it as yet.
At least with Foobar as ripper, only the first 12 tracks and track 90 had titles.
Ach. Never mind. I think @~dave~~wave~ said silent tracks, which they all appear to be.
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Super! So does the CD1 ripping as 90 tracks, with most unnamed fit into this? I have not listened to it as yet.
At least with Foobar as ripper, only the first 12 tracks and track 90 had titles.
Ach. Never mind. I think @~dave~~wave~ said silent tracks, which they all appear to be.

Not to be a dick about it, but the only discussions that bore me worse than ripping are about tagging. ;)

As a non-ripper, I will confirm that loading CD 1 into my 14-year-old Sony 5-disc CD Changer, it does display 90 tracks, 72:19 total time, 31:12 for silent tracks 13-90.

Do I understand correctly that there is absolutely no audio content on the six CDs that is not on the two blu rays?

If so, what would be the point of ripping them other than the obsessive compulsive disorder that many rippers seem to be afflicted with. 😂

In Nutopia, rippers gonna rip, but my preference would be to leave further discussion along those lines to other threads. :hi 🦭


I want us to make love, not war. ☮️
Ripping CD 1: There are 90 tracks.
1-12 the Mind Games Album.
13-90 silent 24 seconds each track.
I listened in full all 13-90 tracks, CD on PC and heard nothing.
I would love to be wrong.
Not to be a dick about it, but the only discussions that bore me worse than ripping are about tagging. ;)

As a non-ripper, I will confirm that loading CD 1 into my 14-year-old Sony 5-disc CD Changer, it does display 90 tracks, 72:19 total time, 31:12 for silent tracks 13-90.

Do I understand correctly that there is absolutely no audio content on the six CDs that is not on the two blu rays?

If so, what would be the point of ripping them other than the obsessive compulsive disorder that many rippers seem to be afflicted with. 😂

In Nutopia, rippers gonna rip, but my preference would be to leave further discussion along those lines to other threads. :hi 🦭

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I want us to make love, not war. ☮️
Wow, I am really surprised you feel so strongly about all this ripping/tagging stuff.
The only additions you will find are hidden videos with the rips, like the promo above, there is also a Black & White video of John playing acoustic guitar and Yoko in bed.
Plus you get to isolate the menu videos.
But to answer your question about audio only, as long as you hit your back button on remote, CD's and Blu Rays, you miss nothing of the audio and audio extras.
Ripping CD 1: There are 90 tracks.
1-12 the Mind Games Album.
13-90 silent 24 seconds each track.
I listened in full all 13-90 tracks, CD on PC and heard nothing.
I would love to be wrong.
A joke on complainers who insist every CD should be filled to capacity with content?
Half an hour of silence is preferable to many alternatives?

Could also be used for 31 minutes of silent mindfulness meditation before the first track of CD 2 brings one back to awareness.
Wow, I am really surprised you feel so strongly about all this ripping/tagging stuff.
Some of us play everything off a pc. Hence the ripping. I have 4 disc players in the audio room, another in the closet...so it's not like I can't use a disc player, I just don't want to.
Feel free to be bored.
No worries, I get it, I just skip over ripping posts.
Failed attempt at humor. 😬

Appreciate knowing there's no other easter eggs detected, like the hidden Meddle mix.

Doubt I will watch the drag Queen video repeatedly, interesting only for celebrity-spotting historical context.

I Imagine the 1970 B&W video will appear somewhere eventually as well, if no clever puzzle solver comes up with a secret combination of button pushes to play it on hardware universal disc spinners.

As an aside, there are howls of indignant frustration on that other forum, from old farts like me, but have no blu ray player, and can't for the life of them get the hidden tracks to play on their antique CD player or get them on streaming or download, 🙃
Ripping reveals all...
I must have missed something, I can't find the hidden track "I'm The Greatest" in surround (unless it's stereo only) from my Disc One rip.

I'm using MakeMKV and MMH, can ya help a Mutt out, where is it?

I also seem to see mainly a blank ~4 sec. track #7 on my BD disc One rip of all the DTS-HD MA Titles, and the other songs aren't in correct order.
It's been reported the Lennon Instagram account posted the solution to playing the hidden video Make Love Not War on Blu Ray 1:

As soon as the Universal screen appears:
press up, down, left, right on your remote.

Worked for me first time on my X800.

After seeing it once, don't think I'll often feel like repeating the experience.
More historical than musical appeal.
It's been reported the Lennon Instagram account posted the solution to playing the hidden video Make Love Not War on Blu Ray 1:

As soon as the Universal screen appears:
press up, down, left, right on your remote.

Worked for me first time on my X800.

After seeing it once, don't think I'll often feel like repeating the experience.
More historical than musical appeal.
Thank you. My copy arrived moments ago. Still unopened.