Mind Games Ultimate ~ Hidden Tracks & Easter Eggs


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Meat City [Single Version Ultimate Mix] 2:52 - CD6 & BR2(UV text on box suggests CD6 only)

@atrocity Post #18 above
atrocity said:
This is weird...that's on my Blu-ray but NOT on my CD!

There certainly is a version of Meat City hidden on my CD 6.
Accessed by rewinding carefully after track 1 starts playing, as usual.

Seems it's hardware dependent, finding these.
My "universal" X800 will play them, but can't rewind back to find the hidden tracks.
My CD changer will play them fine.

The tricky part is not rewinding past the start of the hidden track, or it goes back to the start of Mind Games on track 1.

The time display is helpful in searching backward.
If you don't go far enough, the beginning of the track is cut off.
Go too far, you're back to the start of Mind Games. o_O

"Wroo-ong! Do it again!"
A pain in the ass, but part of the playful mind games design of the box.

If one just wants to hear the tracks, play the blu ray. 🍏 ☮️

Start of CD 6 Track 1:


Wound back to almost the beginning of the hidden track:

Fun with black light: BR 2

Outer ring ~ I Ching hexagrams
Inner ring ~ Zodiac signs



Hexagram 11 is named 泰 (tài), "Pervading", “smooth going", "peace" and "greatness". Its inner (lower) trigram is ☰ (乾qián) force = () heaven, and its outer (upper) trigram is ☷ (坤 kūn) field = () earth.

Hexagram 1 is named 乾 (qián), "Force". Other variations include "the creative", "strong action", "the key", and "god". Its inner (lower) trigram is ☰ (乾 qián) force = () heaven, and its outer (upper) trigram is identical.

AquariusWater-carrier ♒︎♒️

LibraScales ♎︎♎️

Are all the Easter Eggs on the Bluray's in surround (5.1)?

I noticed that writing from simply tilting the disc in lamp light.

I'm still getting into the final portion of BD 01 , but will look for those Eggs.

And thankyou @~dave~~wave~ , much appreciated.
Ripping CD 1: There are 90 tracks.
1-12 the Mind Games Album.
13-90 silent 24 seconds each track.
I listened in full all 13-90 tracks, CD on PC and heard nothing.
I would love to be wrong.

The silent tracks on CD 1 conundrum has been explained.

I once drove a fleet vehicle for work 20 years ago with a factory CD player that could display text for song titles on a few titles in my collection.
I had forgotten about it, none of my home disc spinners had that feature.

The big reveal is if the CD plays through to track 90, and you have a player with text display, there is a three letter song title, the background of which is revealed under the spoiler blur below. 🍏 ☮️

In the Nutopian identity card crossword puzzle, there is a space to fill in the secret word on the fourth line from the bottom.

Ripping reveals all...

Not everything, Sunshine! ;)

The most unique easter egg I have yet seen was revealed on the Hoffman forum.


View a spectrogram of the hidden Meat City Single Version Ultimate Mix on BR 2 OUT-TAKES.
A message appears at the point where the instruments drop out, that follows the lyric "Just got to get me some rock 'n' roll."


I, and others, thought it might be a hoax.
This morning I verified I could see it on my small hardware euro-rack scope.
YMMV 🍏☮️


Displayed as a mirror image for me, but readable when flipped.

There certainly is a version of Meat City hidden on my CD 6.
Accessed by rewinding carefully after track 1 starts playing, as usual.
There must be two different pressings (already?!). CueRipper has, as far as I know, always successfully found HT0A material. If anything, it's really good at "false positives" as it seems to believe that any initial pre-gap over some duration (I don't know what duration) is really HT0A and dutifully creates a file for it. The DV quad discs almost always fool CueRipper that way.

But to be certain, I just put CD 6 in my Oppo BDP-103, scanned back and...nothing. Or, I should say attempted to scan back.

Very strange.
There must be two different pressings (already?!). CueRipper has, as far as I know, always successfully found HT0A material. If anything, it's really good at "false positives" as it seems to believe that any initial pre-gap over some duration (I don't know what duration) is really HT0A and dutifully creates a file for it. The DV quad discs almost always fool CueRipper that way.

But to be certain, I just put CD 6 in my Oppo BDP-103, scanned back and...nothing. Or, I should say attempted to scan back.

Very strange.
The Oppo is your problem, as I explained in an earlier post.
Folks report an old Sony Discman or boombox works a treat.
Forget this audiophile hardware. :LOL:

Ripping bores my ass off. 🫏 ;)

@marpow had no problem.
But he probably got the hidden tracks off the blu ray.
Very strange.

Strange days, indeed.
Most peculiar, mama.

Over & out.

On CDs Use Exact Audio Copy (EAC) program.

  • Insert CD with hidden tracks – CD1, CD2, and CD5.
  • Run Exact Audio Copy
  • Go to Action Menu.
  • Select Copy Range.
  • Select copy uncompressed.
  • Move”Select Start Position” slider to zero. Track 1 Blockbox will have “0” in it.
  • Move Select End Position slider to when Track 1 shows.
  • Save “Range.wav” file.
  • Use and Audio Editor suck as AVS4You Audio editor to trim Range.wav file to leave the hidden track and do ‘save as” with the hidden files name.
Copying Hidden Tracks from BluRay

  • Use MakeMKV or Download trial version of DVDFab13. You can copy up to 3 Blu Rays.
  • Copy Blu Ray to your hard disk . Will need about 45GB. This removes copy protection.
  • Once copied use an audio converter such as AVS4You Audio converter to convert .m2ts.
  • On copy of Bluray 1 Go to BDMV/ STREAM – files are 0004.m2ts (Rock and Roll People), 0005.m2ts (Meat City Single Ultimate Mix), 0007.m2ts (I am Greatest Evolution Mix) , 0008.m2ts (Matchbox, That’s Alright, Heartbreak Hotel Jam) 0004.m2ts (You are Here Out-take 4)
  • On copy of BluRay 2 Go to BDMV/ STREAM files are 0004.m2ts(I am the Greatest Ultimate Mix), 0005.m2ts (Mellotron Madness and Slide Guitar)
  • Then open each file in AVS4You Audio Converter.
  • Delete the last 3 entries and leave one ending with 00 (this is the stereo mix.)
  • Convert to high resolution PCM stereo and save.
  • Queen advertisement is 0020.m2ts. Can convert to .mpg using AVS video converter.
  • Make Love Not War 0008.m2ts
  • Mind Games 0000.m2ts

On CDs Use Exact Audio Copy (EAC) program.

  • Insert CD with hidden tracks – CD1, CD2, and CD5.
  • Run Exact Audio Copy
  • Go to Action Menu.
  • Select Copy Range.
  • Select copy uncompressed.
  • Move”Select Start Position” slider to zero. Track 1 Blockbox will have “0” in it.
  • Move Select End Position slider to when Track 1 shows.
  • Save “Range.wav” file.
  • Use and Audio Editor suck as AVS4You Audio editor to trim Range.wav file to leave the hidden track and do ‘save as” with the hidden files name.
Copying Hidden Tracks from BluRay

  • Use MakeMKV or Download trial version of DVDFab13. You can copy up to 3 Blu Rays.
  • Copy Blu Ray to your hard disk . Will need about 45GB. This removes copy protection.
  • Once copied use an audio converter such as AVS4You Audio converter to convert .m2ts.
  • On copy of Bluray 1 Go to BDMV/ STREAM – files are 0004.m2ts (Rock and Roll People), 0005.m2ts (Meat City Single Ultimate Mix), 0007.m2ts (I am Greatest Evolution Mix) , 0008.m2ts (Matchbox, That’s Alright, Heartbreak Hotel Jam) 0004.m2ts (You are Here Out-take 4)
  • On copy of BluRay 2 Go to BDMV/ STREAM files are 0004.m2ts(I am the Greatest Ultimate Mix), 0005.m2ts (Mellotron Madness and Slide Guitar)
  • Then open each file in AVS4You Audio Converter.
  • Delete the last 3 entries and leave one ending with 00 (this is the stereo mix.)
  • Convert to high resolution PCM stereo and save.
  • Queen advertisement is 0020.m2ts. Can convert to .mpg using AVS video converter.
  • Make Love Not War 0008.m2ts
  • Mind Games 0000.m2ts
Your more OCD than me :ROFLMAO:
You're more OCD than me :ROFLMAO:
For those filling in the blanks on the identity card puzzle, there was a hint on shf for the BRD1 & BRD2 answers.

When you insert the BR1 & BR2 what do you see in File Explorer ?

So I noticed in the main thread, your generous sharing of ripping data yielded an answer, perhaps?

Got something for us from BR1 without giving the game away too easily? :sneaky:
I've been slowly processing this box set, and once I figured out (with help, thanks) about the Hidden Track "I'm The Greatest" (ripped as track #1); was checking out that version in the 5.1 rip for "The Elements" mixes. The Elements mixes are explained in some detail on page #116 in the book, however nothing of course that I could find in the book about this hidden track. The Elements mix for this song however don't seem to match up at all with the song. It's around 11 minutes of what sounds like some kind of synth. or other keyboard, maybe reverse tape effects and some guitar with saturated echo/reverb as well. If anyone knows any details about this mix, I'd love to know what the deal it.

Here's what the 5.1 wav file looks like-

13 - I'm The Greatest (Hidden Track) (Elements 5.1).jpg