Mind Games Ultimate ~ Hidden Tracks & Easter Eggs


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@atrocity Post #18 above

There certainly is a version of Meat City hidden on my CD 6.

I rest my case, let the jury decide.

Exhibit A, CD 6:

How fortunate we are to have phone cameras with hi-res magnification. 👁️ 👁️

If anyone is playing the word puzzle, there's a parallel thread on Hoffman with hints, and this morning it appears to be fully solved.

[Of course, we can kick it around in this thread as well.]

They've tried to keep things under spoilers if folks would like hints without having all the answers handed to the them.

The best hint that got me rolling:
every word is in the lyrics of Mind Games, except one

Not every letter across the bottom of the page is used, nor does the quantity of duplicate letters seem significant


I made a file that can be enlarged and printed out for playing with pencil and paper before filling in one's Nutopian Identity Card.

