Moody Blues - In Search Of The Lost Chord (50th Anniversary set with 5.1 "manipulation" by Jakko Jakszyk).


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A British friend sent me this, not sure of the source:

"In 1972, when 6 of the group’s 7 “Classic” albums were mixed for Quadraphonic Reel to Reel & 8-track cartridge release, this album wasn’t amongst them. Engineer Derek Varnals would explain, that for this album, recorded on 4-track, that after the various “bounce downs”(reduction mixes), what remained was a 4-track tape with 2 tracks of vocals and 2 tracks of instruments, and this was not considered sufficient to create a quadraphonic mix. apparently, they must have found 4-track tapes from earlier recording stages and synchronized them to make a 5.1 mix possible (something that would have been highly difficult in 1972, when the group’s quadraphonic mixes were created)."

I could never understand how they could release the unlistenable Days of Future in surround but not this one! (Only MB album I truly can't get into at all. And that whiny radio track...) That sheds light on it then. Would have been absolutely impossible to do anything with back then. Today you could put all the various tapes in phase locked sync throughout on the computer in about an hour or so.

There are also a lot of things you can get away with with spectral editing. iZotope RX is a very useful tool. You can identify the audio element and there's a helper tool to automatically select harmonics of your selection to speed things up. This can still take a lot of time to get artifact free separation.

But sync'ing multiple analog sources together is actually pretty easy now and the Elastique Pro pitch/time expansion/compression algorithm is digitally lossless in veri-speed mode.

I hope this turns out to be the real deal! Kind of up to the mixing work after the initial science project prep.
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I’m really looking forward to this release and what it will sound like in a 5.1 mix, versus 4.0, the other SACDs had. Hopefully, it will help to open up the mix more and experiment with effect placement. I like all the classic seven but, except for the first of them (DOFP) and one song off the last (SS), I play them quite a bit every year and never get tired of them. Yes, these late 60’s, early 70’s releases sound very dated even compared to their eighties output but I don’t mind because the songs are so good and you’re going to get that with any music from a certain period. This release in particular needs to be a great seller and there needs to be a lot of positive feedback in order for them to consider, not only continuing with the catalog, but to entice them to include a 5.1 mix with every one of them. We’ve already seen two releases in this past year. So, it’s looking like their goal is to continue.
Days of Future Passed "unlistenable?" What a truly unfortunate opinion.

"Days of Future Passed" is an enigma. If you grew up with it, it was sort of a trail blazer, orchestra (parents music) mixed with rock band (kids music), and it was pulled off fairly well. Two radio hits, although ballads, but still tunes everyone heard and knew. It's a concept that we all listened to with headphones back in the day.

However, if you put this album on for today's kids, it's like playing metal music to Middle East prisoners! They will flee the room in droves. Even the past generations kids just can't grasp it. I remember when the DTS CD came out and I had first got my home theater up and running. I dragged my sister in law who loved the Moodies and her kids into the theater to hear this DTS CD. Her kids looked like they were getting root canals!

I suppose it's one of those "You had to be there" type deals. The later Moodies albums had a bit more rock to them, but DOFP - I can see how some people can be put off by it.

To each his own.
So everyone doesn't like the Moodys-I can live with that. The stuff my Daughter listens to is way off my radar....although funnily enough my Granddaughter likes Pink Floyd etc.
I could be wrong -usually am- but I think the first Moody SACD I bought was "Days of Future Passed". I played it a lot and I'm sure my wife hates it. lol.
Now I'm wondering if we'll get new 5.1 mixes for the remaining classic Moody Blues albums too.
It's well-known that the "Days of Future Passed" multitrack tapes are no longer in existence (and that's been the case since the 1970s) but if they have the tapes for the other 5 classic albums, then maybe we'll continue to see 50th anniversary sets with new 5.1 & stereo remixes.

I would certainly pony up for such releases, even though the current SACDs are fine as they are.

Now I'm wondering if we'll get new 5.1 mixes for the remaining classic Moody Blues albums too.
It's well-known that the "Days of Future Passed" multitrack tapes are no longer in existence (and that's been the case since the 1970s) but if they have the tapes for the other 5 classic albums, then maybe we'll continue to see 50th anniversary sets with new 5.1 & stereo remixes.

I would certainly pony up for such releases, even though the current SACDs are fine as they are.


Next year would be the 50th for "On the threshold of a dream" and "To our children's children"....just saying
The only missing multi-track masters that I know of are from "In Search Of The Lost Chord". They would have been done back in the Quad era if they could have been found. Were "Days Of Future Passed" also lost at a later date?
When I was a teenager, I had my stereo speakers set up at the head of my bed, facing inwards like a giant pair of headphones as I lay there. When I played “The Best Way To Travel”, the twittering sound that begins at about 1:14 truly sounded like it was moving in a circle, as did the slow beeping effect in the second half of the song. For some reason, this binaural effect doesn’t work for me today when I listen to the song with actual headphones. I’m looking forward to hearing those sounds moving in a circle around me once again.
When I was a teenager, I had my stereo speakers set up at the head of my bed, facing inwards like a giant pair of headphones as I lay there. When I played “The Best Way To Travel”, the twittering sound that begins at about 1:14 truly sounded like it was moving in a circle, as did the slow beeping effect in the second half of the song. For some reason, this binaural effect doesn’t work for me today when I listen to the song with actual headphones. I’m looking forward to hearing those sounds moving in a circle around me once again.
That's a cool memory.
Days of Future Passed "unlistenable?" What a truly unfortunate opinion.

I am in total agreement that DoFP was indeed a landmark album when it arrived on the music scene. I make a point to listen to it at least twice a year. It also paved the way for future MOODY BLUES Albums and the very fact that they're touring to this day and have finally been inducted into the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame is a testament to their endurance and popularity.

I remember bringing my godson to a Moody's Concert at Radio City Music Hall and he was NOT at all excited until they started playing and he couldn't believe all the hits, one after another, which emanated from that stage. He and his girlfriend left that concert ecstatic!

But like everything else in this world, those who don't appreciate the sincere/heartfelt beauty of DoFP are certainly entitled to their opinions.

BTW, the newly remastered DVD 96/24 lossless Stereo version, unheard since the early 70's, sounds simply amazing on my system.
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Oh are killing are in Japan...the epicenter of technology...4k and 8k can just go to a music store and get the latest toy with us my friend:hi
I don't mean to sound like Little Orphan Annie yearning & singing about Tomorrow's order coming from the Moose. LOL!! :ROFLMAO: I definitely appreciate and support the excellent network of shops that I've got here. And for special imports, Amazon and others usually do a good job. But... I am one who likes to support good businesses the old fashioned way...with cash! :love: It's also nice to have other options. ;)(y)

P.S. It's amazing to hear some feel Day of Future Passed is unlistenable. o_O I love it!
I would have been 1 year old when Lost Chord was released. I remember my uncle playing it (probably when I was around 5) and I really dug it. Still do. The Best Way to Travel is still my favorite track. I think I'm more a fan of Mike Pinder's songs in general. Probably around the same age I remember that first track on EGBDF really tripping me out and it's still one of my favorite MB tracks. So I'm a fan of their more psychedelic work. I know uncle had DOFP and I remember it as a bunch of boring adult stuff I didn't like. Tried to listen to it a number of times since and that hasn't changed. So this one (Lost Chord) is still my favorite overall but EGBDF has a couple really favorite tracks for me. (So do some of the others. The last one is weaker again but that first track is the good stuff.) Probably got copies of the quad mixes 10 years ago and that was amazing. DOFP was still uninteresting though and I really tried. Heh, lots of fans apparently and it continues to surprise me. I'm still the odd one out then. I mean it's not the worst thing I've ever heard (which is hair metal and opera - boring music and lots of screaming). Just really truly uninteresting. I guess I don't get whatever it is to get. That whiny Justin Hayward radio track is really standout awful IMHO. I really like the avant garde and musicians who go out of their way to be difficult. So I wanted to like it. I wanted to like Lennon's Two Virgins too but there just wasn't enough interest there. I'd put DOFP on par with that one.

Anyway, I hope this 5.1 remix turns out to be something special. Just please please don't let it be volume war hash like the Sgt. Peppers remix!
I don't mean to sound like Little Orphan Annie yearning & singing about Tomorrow's order coming from the Moose. LOL!! :ROFLMAO: I definitely appreciate and support the excellent network of shops that I've got here. And for special imports, Amazon and others usually do a good job. But... I am one who likes to support good businesses the old fashioned way...with cash! :love: It's also nice to have other options. ;)(y)

P.S. It's amazing to hear some feel Day of Future Passed is unlistenable. o_O I love it!

Well, one thing you won't see in Tokyo, Japan:
