Yep, S-F of the early and mid '50s is full of great films!
Black & white, color, 3-D, and even some with stereophonic sound.
Invasion of the body snatchers 1956
The Thing from Another World, 1951
20+ times easy for each of these
And the "20+" viewing level is far more convincing commitment of film fanatacism than "5+" yes?
I normally dont buy new blurays but there were a couple I had to have. Andromeda strain, The time machine (original), Invasion of the body snatchers (Nimoy) and the original Journey to the center of the earth. On Journey, the original bluray got poor marks for picture quality and was very expensive because it was a short print. I became aware of a region B disc (not playable on machines in the US) that was getting high marks for picture quality so I took a chance on buying it. I had just learned how to back up my bluray surround discs and thought maybe this could work for this movie. So I copied my B region bluray to my hard drive and Presto. The picture is as good as any bluray in my collection. Now the next SCI FI movie on my radar Is "Moon".
Fascinating way to end-run around "region" restrictions!
I think, though, you might be overstating the case that JttCotE "got poor marks" for its first blu ray release.
This from one trusted review site:
The results, while not completely staggering, are very good and should please ardent videophiles who bring appropriate expectations. The colors here are still quite robust a lot of the time, though flesh tones, while generally very accurate looking, are just slightly pallid in some of the opening scenes. The ubiquitous purples and reds are still vivid and extremely impressive. The elements here are in surprisingly good shape, with very little damage or blemishing to report.
... The image is generally just a bit on the soft side, especially with regard to midrange shots, though fine detail pops quite nicely in close-ups. While the overall presentation here is decently sharp and detailed, it's not quite up to modern day standards for what a top tier catalogue release should look like, no doubt due largely to the elements that Fox was forced to use."
Full review here
Journey to the Center of the Earth Blu-ray Release Date May 8, 2012
Complete agreement, of course, on how expensive (and hard to find!) JttCotE was after its first BR release.
Fact is, it's still *the* most expensive video recording in my collection.
Very much worth it, however.
Saw something on first BR viewing I'd never noticed before which both startled and shocked me.
The film was made, after all, in 1959!