How difficult to add 7.1.6 to the drop down in Atmos helper? I’m not sure the encoder even has that config. Thx
How difficult to add 7.1.6 to the drop down in Atmos helper? I’m not sure the encoder even has that config. Thx
It happens to me too. Unfortunately I can’t find any older version to rollback.Newbie here.
I was using MMH 8.0.6 on an old windows laptop, but just upgraded to a new HP laptop and installed 8.0.7
MMH8 Launches and seems to work fine except that when I click "MMH Atmos Helper" the launch circle (attached to cursor) spins for a second or two but no Atmos Helper screen appears. All the other screens load. Reloaded .NET, tried to run as admin to no avail.
I notice that MMH itself uses DevExpress at 24.1.6 but MMH Atmos Helper 24.1.7, could that be it?
I was able to revert to 8.0.5 and it works ...
What algorithm does ffmpeg use for DR?
Newbie here.
I was using MMH 8.0.6 on an old windows laptop, but just upgraded to a new HP laptop and installed 8.0.7
MMH8 Launches and seems to work fine except that when I click "MMH Atmos Helper" the launch circle (attached to cursor) spins for a second or two but no Atmos Helper screen appears. All the other screens load. Reloaded .NET, tried to run as admin to no avail.
I notice that MMH itself uses DevExpress at 24.1.6 but MMH Atmos Helper 24.1.7, could that be it?
I was able to revert to 8.0.5 and it works ...
Hey Garry,
Just a thought… Do you think it would be possible to have a preferences option where you could change the default track number plus file name structure? A lot of my music is stored as eg 01 - songtitle.m4a but if I use MMH after using musicbrainz / tag and rename, the file name will always default to 01. songtitle.m4a.
I just wonder if there is a way to set up an option to personalise it? I see there is already a tick box under Preferences to ‘Use Artist Name in File Names’ but is it possible you could have the option to have a different file name structure? Eg 01 - songtitle
Last beta of 8.0.7. I’d like to rollback but can’t find where to download the previous version.
I can easily change theme but the strange part is that when I delete the folder, it remembers when I change to white.
Is mandatory to install Dolby Reference Player in the default path? I installed it on a different partition and that’s probably the reason of greyed out Atoms button. Perhaps it should ask for path as it does for DEE.
I'm trying Atmos helper for the first time, but clicking on the button in the loader screen simply runs something for a few seconds and then nothing. I'm on Win 11 and have Net 8, etc
Thanks Garry - you’re a legend! I’m putting you forward for an MBE for MMH!I’ll add that option a future release. Let me fix the reported bugs first today in a new 8.0.8 release.
The new file naming option will be added in 8.0.9 (sometime over the weekend).
Atmos helper not opening. I had skipped the previous update.MMH 8.0.8 released:
Version 8.0.8 (November 8 2024)
MMH 8.0.7 Installer uses incorrect dependency files - fixed
MMH Atmos Helper in 8.0.7 not starting correctly - fixed (see above dependency files)
Join and Split files tool: CUE file creation - now uses two digit minutes if minutes < 60 - fixed
Updated 3rd party UI controls to latest 24.1.7 (now correctly added)
Previous change log (not posted yesterday)
Version 8.0.7 (November 7 2024)
DR measurement failed for some flac files due to issue with ffmpeg - fixed
Updated 3rd party UI controls to latest 24.1.7 (edit this was not applied correctly - fixed in 8.0.8)
Updated Ffmpeg to 7.1.0
Direct download link to 8.0.8 installer:
Atmos helper not opening. I had skipped the previous update.
It says 8.0.7
Thanks. Cue works great!Try it again.
Fantastic! Looks great, thanks Garry!@MrSmithers
I've added a new MMH Global preference to support file naming with ' - " as you asked
MMH 8.0.9 Beta 1 here:
The new Preference dialog looks like this: (access from the Launcher toolabar menu's 'Preferences')
View attachment 110848
The DRP is assumed to be installed in the default Program Files folder. (You are first user to report that’s not your install folder).
I believe you, but that surprised me. Because I did not expect that ffmpeg is capable of doing this. Now it is working great. Thank you.MMH uses ffmpeg to get DR stats.
If you don’t believe me copy the ffmpeg.exe file from your working 6.4.8 version to your MMH 7 version or any MMH 8 prior to latest beta and you see the MMH DR bug is fixed.
Latest MMH beta release adds that old ffmpeg version to MMH as ‘ffmpeg.4.4.exe’ and uses that for ffmpeg -stats command used to get DR.
EDIT: Don’t do this as a permanent fix as the old ffmpeg does not contain new features used in MMH 7 and 8.