Music Media Helper (Tools for Multichannel Audio & Music Videos)


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I edited your post quoted above to what I think your meant to say. Is that correct?

Its possible your Oppo requires a language code in the Chapter Name. MMH does not add one. (just a guess)
You are correct and thank you for the correction.

I am not sure what the Oppo requires regarding language code. Not sure how I would go about finding out.

I am going to test it again with an MKV file I made from a VHS I recorded on to my pc.

I added test chapters to it. Titled the chapters and input the chapter times and then I clicked save.

After closing the Create/Edit Chapters, I reopened it and dropped the file into the program and the chapters still show they are there.

I ran the file on my Oppo and it seems to work now.

I'm not sure what I did wrong the first time but I somehow corrected it and all seems well.

Thank you
I've been through all the 100 plus pages of all the MMH threads and can't find a definitive answer, so I'm going to ask a stupid question.

I have a 5.1.2 system. My Yamaha Aventage receiver routes the rear heights to the front heights since I don't have any. I want the rear heights to go to my back surround speakers instead. Possible with any of the MMH apparati?
I've been through all the 100 plus pages of all the MMH threads and can't find a definitive answer, so I'm going to ask a stupid question.

I have a 5.1.2 system. My Yamaha Aventage receiver routes the rear heights to the front heights since I don't have any. I want the rear heights to go to my back surround speakers instead. Possible with any of the MMH apparati?
Use the remix option on the WAV files.
I've been through all the 100 plus pages of all the MMH threads and can't find a definitive answer, so I'm going to ask a stupid question.

I have a 5.1.2 system. My Yamaha Aventage receiver routes the rear heights to the front heights since I don't have any. I want the rear heights to go to my back surround speakers instead. Possible with any of the MMH apparati?

You should be able to set your 5.1.2 layout in your AVR speaker layout settings. I suspect you have set your top speakers as directly overhead. You should set them to the front if that's where they are lo9cated, Then your AVR Atmos decoder should send only top fronts to your top and rear tops to your sides (rears in your 5.1 system))
Here's what I've tried so far to no avail. The audio Blu-Ray I was trying first was the new Atmos Ziggy Stardust.

1. Ripped the Blu-Ray with Make MKV

2. Extracted audio from MKV to both FLAC and WAV and tagged everything correctly as far as titles, etc. with MMH

3. Opened Remix Audio channels in MMH and selected Remix (user defined). I first tried source channel Layout as 9.1.6 Atmos since when I go to the next step, the Atmos version shows as 16 channel (or 8 with True Dolby which gives me no height channels at all). My only option as far as output layout seems to be 5.1.4 since there is no 5.1.2 option. I then attempt to line up the changes in speaker configuration to put the rear heights into the rear surround. After attempting that, I try to drag and drop the first song (Five Years). I get a pop up that there are no supported files in the WAV folder or my choices don't contain correct number of channels. Same result with FLAC files.

I'm guessing the problem is I am not selecting the correct source or output layout or that I need a 5.1.2 option that is not there. Or I need a Dolby Renderer Or it just can't be done.
You should be able to set your 5.1.2 layout in your AVR speaker layout settings. I suspect you have set your top speakers as directly overhead. You should set them to the front if that's where they are lo9cated, Then your AVR Atmos decoder should send only top fronts to your top and rear tops to your sides (rears in your 5.1 system))

I have everything set correctly in the layout settings. Unfortunately, at least for my Yamaha AVR (Aventage 1080), if you don't have rear heights, it seems they put all the height info in the front heights instead of what I want and what seems most logical--the back surrounds. That's why I was trying to see if there was a way to do it with MMH.
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@The Hoople RESET please

Back to your original support post:

Are you decoding Atmos on your AVR or playing the Atmos core converted to wav or FLAC as an 8 channel file?

If you are playing Atmos from your MKV rip and decoding then its your AVR settings

You can't play 5.1.2 from a FLAC file
your AVR Atmos decoder should send only top fronts to your top and rear tops to your sides (rears in your 5.1 system))
Have you tested this? My limited testing with Yamaha and Denon receivers both failed the test in Atmos. DTS:X passed. Limits the placing to only overhead in a x.x.2 setup for Atmos sadly.
My AVR settings are correct as far as my speaker configuration. Standard 5.1 plus front presence set to mounted on front wall as opposed to overhead or on top of main L/R speakers bouncing off the ceiling. There is a "Virtual Surround Back Speaker" option you can turn on or off, but I've experimented with that and it doesn't seem to do anything to move any height information to the rear.

Bottom line is that although the Yamaha 1080 is Atmos capable, it can only process 7 channels, so 7.1 or 5.1.2 are the only possible setups. I was just hoping there was a way in MMH to assign the rear height info to my back surrounds to get a better back to front effect. My other option is a new AVR which I can't do right now.
Are you playing files? If so remap is your friend. Otherwise idk
1726159227460.png Media Helper Documentation.pdf
My AVR settings are correct as far as my speaker configuration. Standard 5.1 plus front presence set to mounted on front wall as opposed to overhead or on top of main L/R speakers bouncing off the ceiling. There is a "Virtual Surround Back Speaker" option you can turn on or off, but I've experimented with that and it doesn't seem to do anything to move any height information to the rear.

Bottom line is that although the Yamaha 1080 is Atmos capable, it can only process 7 channels, so 7.1 or 5.1.2 are the only possible setups. I was just hoping there was a way in MMH to assign the rear height info to my back surrounds to get a better back to front effect. My other option is a new AVR which I can't do right now.
It is doable but with many hoops.

As it sits now I am under the impression that using an Atmos decoder in a receiver or processor, the only proper placement option is directly above and not front or back when only using two height/top channels. I would love to be proven wrong but this is what I have found using channel tests. DTS:X channel tests do take into consideration the placement of the two height channels and directs the other two channels properly.
I had a scary issue pop up, that I easily corrected, but I got scared and I am not sure where to ask this question, but I know you cats are pretty savvy.
15TB Synology NAS half full.
Player JRiver>imports from NAS.
I ripped the recent Bowie Atmos, added to my NAS M: Drive.
Imported the Bowie from the NAS to my JRiver Video File, MKV file.
Opened, to check for proper tagging and all Atmos albums A thru O where gone, the Bowie imported. Oh no, where did they go, I have them all backed up, but where are they in which safe keeping spare hard drive. Small panic.
Looked at the NAS, whew, all the missing in JRiver where still there.
Imported my entire MKV Atmos folder from the NAS back to JRiver. Problem solved.

I have been doing this since 2014, my style has basically stayed the same.
I checked the working of the NAS and I had a green light all systems good.

My curious question, maybe only from a JRiver user? How/why did that happen? I guess it really doesn't matter, but it did happen, weird.
I've just uploaded a beta release for testing/feedback:

This is primarily to help MMH users moving between the Chapter Editor and Extract Audio from MKV tools when using chaptered MKV.MKA files.

MMH will now saves Matroska audio tags to the source MKV/MKA files loaded in both tools (if a user uses the MMH Musibrainz lookup options previously on the MKV/MKA source file).

There are also Kodi changes in the pipeline (not yet available in current Kodi 21 Omega release) that will support Chaptered Matroska files with appropriate tags and chapter names so that Kodi users will no longer need CUE files for importing MKV/MKA files into the Kodi music database. Much of this beta release implements changes to allow MMH to support those tags in Kodi. Anyone using Kodi 22 nighties on Windows or LibreElec can try this out now.

The Kodi changes will hopefully get merged back into Kodi 21 Omega for its next official update, Kodi 21.2). The Tagged MKA/MKV files must be in a Kodi Music Source and scanned from 'Update Library'. There are still a couple of quirks in Kodi that will get fixed before an official release I hope (last chapter duration is incorrect and using a context right-click menu 'Scan Item into Library' does not read Matroska tags), I have not tested tags MusicbrainzIDs saved by MMH but I've been told be a Kodi developer the new Matroska Tag support for chaptered MKV/MKA files in Kodi relies on MusicbrainzIDs. No IDs no import).

I have not updated the MMH docs yet.

Best workflow probably start with the Chapter Editor, get the chapters named correctly from Musicbrainz lookup. Then if you want to split and convert to FLAC etc the Extract tool has all it needs to do that correctly. @steelydave

Example: The new David Gilmour album has tracks split across two Matroska Titles (needing two MKV files) and the first contains 10 chapters but the 10th is only 2 seconds containing no music, that chapter neesd to be deleted in the MKV file using the MMH Chapter editor. The 2nd MKV should be tagged from songs 10 to 13 (again that can be easily done in MMH Chapter editor).

Version 8.0.5 Beta 2 (August 15 2024)
Chapter Editor tool: Now saves Matroska Tags for Musicbrainz lookup data to MKV and MKA files with Chapters (i.e. Album and Concert files)
Extract Audio from MKV/MKA tool: Now saves and reads Matroska Tags for Musicbrainz lookup data to MKV/MKA source files with Chapters
Extract Audio from MKV/MKA tool: Now saves Song Titles to Chapter names to MKV/MKA source files with Chapters (next time you load the file in MMH the album tags are known)

The Concert Scraper now saves all performer images to a sub-folder named ".actors" - fixed in 8.0.4a
Performer file names are now 'cleaned' (removing illegal filename characters) and replacing spaces with underscore and double quote to single quote - fixed in 8.0.4a
Scrape Concert Folder tool: Failed if Concert title on TMDB website contained '|' character - fixed in 8.0.4b

Updated 3rd party UI controls to latest 24.1.5 - fixed in 8.0.4a
Updated Ffmpeg to 7.0.2 - fixed in 8.0.4b
Updated MKVToolnix to 87.0 fixed in 8.0.4b

Beta 8.0.5 Beta 2 download link: (EDIT: Updated to Beta 2 after original post)
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I forgot to add one other important change for Kodi users currently using a CUE file for MKA files (Kodi currently does not read MKA files with chapters, so users need to remove chapters to use a CUE + MKA combination):

Version 8.0.5 Beta 2 (August 15 2024)
Chapter Editor tool: Now saves MKA source files to a new MKA file without chapter when creating a CUE file

The new chapterless mka file is created using file name format: ‘ARTIST - ALBUM.mka’
If file name exists it appends a (1) to the ALBUM name