RE: @audiomaster
As you say"an instant view with no lagging" but still it has an easy to follow pattern that didn't exist in what I mentioned above. I don't know if you put a calculated amount of decay in your unit, but it looks excellent. As I said the best solid state rendition of a CRT quadscope I've ever seen.
There is a 10pf capacitor to slow it down and it's almost unnoticeable as the signal fed to the LM3915 can reach up to 40khz! (unfiltered rectified 20khz) A switchable .1uf really slow down the signal and is good to avoid epilepsy crisis.
It is also slowed down for the differential mode. I did some frequency tests and the "decoder board" have a linear frequency response from 1hz up to 200khz and above. (i have no means to test above 200khz) So limiting the speed (even a little) is essential to have a pleasant experience.