New Device that puts music in your head - no headphones


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I like to feel the music, I need large, loud full range speakers and good subs, this new tech won’t do that.

And that exactly explains why I can't stand listening to headphones for more than a few minutes to check out something specific.

On the other hand... some day if my hearing goes way down headphones might be my best friend.
I’ll hold off until it can play my current music, quad and 5.1 FLAC will do. But since I already have 3 surround systems at home I’m not sure I need another.

I like to feel the music, I need large, loud full range speakers and good subs, this new tech won’t do that.
I played with this technique around 6 years ago, issue is it is not Hifi and was shabby on bass. Any reports on its fidelity??
Seems to be targeted mostly to gamers; so probably a lot of pop, bam, boom (where’d that shot come from 🤯!) :)

I’m sure they’ve published full audio specs...
somewhere 🙉👀🤫 :whistle:
In the video and ad it says it gives you the freedom to 'do other things and move around', but if you have to 'stay in the beam' doesn't that limit how much you can move?
In the video and ad it says it gives you the freedom to 'do other things and move around', but if you have to 'stay in the beam' doesn't that limit how much you can move?
I bet you can't turn your head 90 degrees to it, even if sitting straight in front of it.
This is off topic but my son seems to enjoy the Mobius headphones I got for him on a crowdfunding campaign. They’re pretty lo fi but he finds them to be adequate for their intended purpose. And, of course, he and his girlfriend are happy that he’s not disturbing her too much while playing video games in her presence. 🤔
I look forward to evil people using this technology for nefarious purposes, surreptitiously beaming sounds and music and disruption into people's heads, so they think they're going insane. Major motion picture scripts combining Enemy of the State with One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest are being written as we speak.
I look forward to evil people using this technology for nefarious purposes, surreptitiously beaming sounds and music and disruption into people's heads, so they think they're going insane.
The US military have been working with this technology for years.
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One definition of insanity of course is to keep doing the same thing and hoping for a different outcome. Not that it stops anyone reinventing the square wheel. Here's another hopeful who tried the same thing back in 2012 with the "SoundLazer" (!!) -
The internet is littered with the evidence of commercial and military 'breakthroughs' for this technique. All doomed to failure.
It's ironic that so much effort has been put into getting headphone sound OUT of your head, and at least in a marketing sense, these guys want to put it IN your head.

If the tech really works, as to sound quality and perfect head tracking, then it needs to be married with tech like SMYTH realiser A16 such that it perfectly sounds like you are in a 3D immersive sound environment. They mention 3D, but it is in conflict with that "in your head" stuff.

Also I wonder about the tracking. What can you really do? I don't think you could turn 90 degrees from the unit, or walk away, or move freely around a room?

One of the things that is not (yet) in the realiser is 6 degrees of freedom, where things get louder, quieter as you move further away, or closer to them. It would be cool if this tech did that. You get that in VR today.