Oppo UDP-203 dilemma


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I'm afraid I don't take advantage of all its features. I only generally use it as a disc player. It turns on but the tray does not open, but I am able to play music on a USB stick through it.
The tray on my 203 sometimes sticks (probably due to lack of use). Have you tried playing video files via a USB thumb drive?

If your primary requirement is playing discs I wouldn't recommend the Reavon. Not only has the manufacturer abandoned it, the disc drive can be noisy. You would be better off buying the Sony UBP-X800M2.
Sony and Panasonic all have some limitation on what type of discs they will play, typically one or both of SACD or DVD-A. None of them not even Reavon or Magnetar have an HDMI input, if you use that (which I do on my 203) you need an Oppo.
The Sony plays both DVD-A and SACD. It just won't play burned DVD-As.
I would definitely trust the Oppo repair guys in California, but:
I have a suggestion you may/may not like as far as the corrosion.
Kill the power, unplug it. Press the power button a few times: might help drain any residual power.
Remove the circuit boards and hose them down in electrical contact cleaner. For that matter you could hose everything down with WD40 to get all the crap out, then use the contact cleaner.

I've done this with video cards and a Sherwood AVR I've had a long time, and is still in use to this day.