I voted a 9 - it's another great Dutton release. I still have to pinch myself every time one of these Columbia quads makes it out of the vault...
Indian Reservation: I've always thought this would make a great D-V release for a number of reasons (Sony-controlled title, hit song, good quad mix, etc), so it's very cool to see it finally materialize. I still think some of the material's pretty weak, but the fun quad mix really elevates the album for me. I described the mix here, so I won't go into detail again - it's probably one of my favorites mix-wise out of that original CBS 'gold-bordered' series of quad LPs, so I'm thrilled to have it off the master tape with the MD touch. My favorite tune off this one would have to be "Take Me Home", followed closely by either the title track or "The Shape Of Things To Come".
Hard 'n' Heavy: Getting any unreleased quad title out is a win in my book, and I'm floored that they went the extra mile and got Mark Wilder to finish the album, but I don't think I'll be returning to this very often - I'm just not digging the bubblegum vibe, and the quad mix is nowhere near as good as Reservation (though I agree that the two remixed tracks stand head-and-shoulders above the rest). Still, I think they deserve major kudos for making this a two-fer when it didn't have to be.
"Indian Reservation":

"Mr. Sun, Mr. Moon":

Indian Reservation: I've always thought this would make a great D-V release for a number of reasons (Sony-controlled title, hit song, good quad mix, etc), so it's very cool to see it finally materialize. I still think some of the material's pretty weak, but the fun quad mix really elevates the album for me. I described the mix here, so I won't go into detail again - it's probably one of my favorites mix-wise out of that original CBS 'gold-bordered' series of quad LPs, so I'm thrilled to have it off the master tape with the MD touch. My favorite tune off this one would have to be "Take Me Home", followed closely by either the title track or "The Shape Of Things To Come".
Hard 'n' Heavy: Getting any unreleased quad title out is a win in my book, and I'm floored that they went the extra mile and got Mark Wilder to finish the album, but I don't think I'll be returning to this very often - I'm just not digging the bubblegum vibe, and the quad mix is nowhere near as good as Reservation (though I agree that the two remixed tracks stand head-and-shoulders above the rest). Still, I think they deserve major kudos for making this a two-fer when it didn't have to be.
"Indian Reservation":

"Mr. Sun, Mr. Moon":

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