"It was the blackout of 1965 and while this record was playing the turntables were slowing down, at first Dan Ingram couldn't figure it out"
You might think this is weird....but believe it or not Jonathan King actually had that very song mixed into quad !
And presented it with other tunes , on January 01 1978 for a Matrix H Quad broadcast, as part of a best of BBC MATRIX H from 1977.
That song was probably the poorest of the ones he featured though, ....
The best was a quad mix of The Stanglers No More Heroes ,title track ,....with an incredible guitar solo at the end circling your speakers.
Anyway thought I'd interject that FYI information, as it seemed appropriate.
Now maybe....maybe...one day someone (I hope)with that broadcast of the Stranglers in quad (77) will be kind enough to post it up on u tube for everyone interested.