I went for a walk, came home and inside was a large box from Amazon, hmm' don't remember ordering something so big. Opened it and Pink Floyd was in it with tons of large bubble wrap.
Arrived in perfect condition, included was a plastic protective outer sleeve, not as form fitting as the Japanese do theirs but at least still there. I think it is the best box set I have ever seen, big, clean, simple, surely every Pink Floyd fan will want one.
I have no doubt that Momentary will be fantastic, going to save that for last, so My first is Disc 7, Blu Ray Delicate Sound of Thunder video concert in 5.1 DTS HD Mstr.
I have only owned the double CD when it first came out of Delicate and I always thought how sonically great it sounded.
Well of course this Disc 7 is spectacular in video appearance and to my absolute fascination it is discrete live music, my expectation was it was going to be ambient live but I was wrong.
I cannot explain how good the visuals are and how incredible the live surround is. Looking forward to Pulse next and a whole lot of other stuff.