What did you think of the Porcupine Tree - C/C live concert?
It is immersive enough with sounds locations around the ‘bubble’. Some discrete sounds around without ping-pong.
But still, he does not use enough content for me with objects at locations between 30º-90º azimuth. There is a slight echo in the wides speakers in my 9.1.4 config, but it is too subtle. Reasoning like the Ealan Osaborne’s youtube, there should NOT be be another alternate Atmos mix for the people with 9.1.4, but just a single mix done with more objects content at the Wide location. Those objects will image between fronts and sides for the people with 7.1.4 or 5.1.4.
If Dolby should push anything to improve, it should be things like that. Pushing mixers engineers to locate Objects to maximize the use of the ‘bubble’ for 9.1.6 users, although the mixers does not appreciate because they have a 7.1.4 mixing studio.
I liked the Steven Wilson main vocals that are spread around fronts, sides, rears (the bubble), and it is not isolated in Center like some of his initial mixes. This is a mix style used also by Bruce Soord, that I like most.
This Mix has Full Content in the LFE channel (bass and full drums). It is not ‘delayed’, perhaps because it has not been low pass filtered. It is good for listening to it isolated in a full channel. You get only the Gavin drums (with bass).
And, as Steven Wilson usually does, he has also done a 5.1 mix for the DTS HD-MA track. This sounds like Ealan Osborne's wish, but it is not an alternate Dolby Atmos mix, it is the alternate 5.1 mix delivered in DTS.