Porcupine Tree's "Fear Of A Blank Planet" is Coming - Again, Deluxe Box Set w Blu Ray


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I get the box set thing, I really do. The Artists deserve the money and if there's a market for it, so-be-it. But then you have people like me who buy Blu-ray's, rip them to my server, and throw the rest of the crap in a box in my closet never to be seen again. I would think there are more people like me out there that would justify bigger artists like SW to start using IAA as a distribution platform. I guess piracy is the concern? Making people buy a bluray at least provides a hurdle - is that the thought? I'd be happy to pay just as much for a digital download as what the typical stand-alone bluray Atmos mix costs ($20-50), have instant delivery and not have to deal with ripping. As much as I'd like to hear the remastered 5.1 of FOABP - even if it were Atmos - I have a mental block paying $120+ for it. Take my $50 and let me download it! I digress.
I get the box set thing, I really do. The Artists deserve the money and if there's a market for it, so-be-it. But then you have people like me who buy Blu-ray's, rip them to my server, and throw the rest of the crap in a box in my closet never to be seen again. I would think there are more people like me out there that would justify bigger artists like SW to start using IAA as a distribution platform. I guess piracy is the concern? Making people buy a bluray at least provides a hurdle - is that the thought? I'd be happy to pay just as much for a digital download as what the typical stand-alone bluray Atmos mix costs ($20-50), have instant delivery and not have to deal with ripping. As much as I'd like to hear the remastered 5.1 of FOABP - even if it were Atmos - I have a mental block paying $120+ for it. Take my $50 and let me download it! I digress.
There are also people still in this world, who loves the physical thing and holding the whole in their hands, reading the linernotes, smells the paper, love the artwork etc, and total not interested in downloading or listen via streaming platforms. I am one of them
There are also people still in this world, who loves the physical thing and holding the whole in their hands, reading the linernotes, smells the paper, love the artwork etc, and total not interested in downloading or listen via streaming platforms. I am one of them

I am one of them, too, and I only download/stream when there's really no other option to hear the mix at all, but I guess it would be possible to release both formats and keep everyone happy? Those of us who love the physical release would still buy it.

I must admit though, it seems odd to me that anyone who buys one of these boxsets won't at least have a quick look at the pictures and liner notes from time to time? I can't imagine it not being at least moderately interesting for anyone who loves the music 🤷‍♂️ These artbooks are gorgeous IMO.
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bump to self (believe I still need to order this :unsure:) probably bummed no Atmos- ya can’t always get…

I do like the art books!

(BS price) wish it was still 2022 exchange rate-

So says ImportCDs:


I have the circa 2007 or so DVD-Audio which is 5.1 and sounds great!

Wonder if there will be a new Atmos mix? A new even "better" 5.1 mix? ImportCDs listing doesn't tell us anything other than # of CDs and a blu ray.

Both of these: importCDs and Amazon aren't showing it for sale when I go to these links - what up with that?

Are there new links, or is this still just a Burning Shed deal? Watching my pennies on this on!
There are also people still in this world, who loves the physical thing and holding the whole in their hands, reading the linernotes, smells the paper, love the artwork etc, and total not interested in downloading or listen via streaming platforms. I am one of them
I am one of those people that love to own physical, tangible things too !
I don't rip anything. Don't have the knowhow, equipment or time for all that mullarkey.

I do use Spotify but buying digital releases doesn't appeal to me. Give me a nice shiny blu ray any day of the week and I'll be a happy bunny.
I think people that won't buy digital downloads from the IAA shop are shooting themselves in the foot for no other reason than that they are not a physical release.
There have been lots of offerings there unavailable elsewhere.
I have racks and racks of physical discs, and I'm not talking CD's (except DTS-CD's) and almost entirely surround, save a few BD's that only came out in Stereo and maybe a few hundred stereo SACD's.

Everything I have surround is ripped to .iso format (where possible) and is played back on the pc mostly, though I do have 4 disc players hooked up and ready.
I'm north of 34TB now, including IAA downloads & Quad rips.

I'm running 3 RAID arrays to back up what is most important to me, that is as I can afford more large HDD's there will be more redundancy incorporated. (I have copies on a separate machine as well)
Having digital copies has saved me headaches a few times when a disc refuses to play.

But whatever works for everyone is good by me.
I get that some people are still really attached to the idea of having physical things. That's great, but:

1) Having it digitally available does not remove the option for having it physically available;
2) The cost of maintaining some server space so that people can buy digital is peanuts compared to the lost sales from those that won't buy it at all because it's only physical;
3) Even if you have only physical - does it really need to be a mega-ultra-super-deluxe-edition with vinyl and bumper stickers and beer coasters and decorative towels at $200 a box (obviously I'm taking the piss a bit here);
4) Possibly most importantly, whether folks like it or not it is the way things are going. Younger people have smaller homes and no place to keep all this junk, and they are tech-savvy enough to maintain everything on their computers. It's only a matter of time before physical media is gone, and I would rather have digital files available than say, only streaming at low bitrate.