Thanks for the enlightenment, barfle, but how do you pronounce "Schacher."BAR ful
Not to get too anal about it, but Its McCartney, not MccartneyMaybe I'm Amazed by this one -
Its Paul Mccartney. NOT Paul Macartney
Now lets Get Back to the Three Rs in school !
Not to get too anal about it, but Its McCartney, not Mccartney
Is an enginear/scyentist who cant' spel or punkchewate, or got the tense right, I also out words when typing .................... With apologies to Clement and all of those who can!
My poor father despaired (had to look the spelling up!) at my lack of ability!
My PhD tutor who was Greek had a go as well, accused me of being German, as if I put a verb in anywhere it was at the end of a sentence!In my first job the project manager asked me where the verb was, in his words 'where is the doing word?'
My mind seems to see things as object, object, connection - which I forget to add
Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......GAWD, Dunc......Going ALL ZEN on US?
I say so, red eared wonder!If you say so, BAR FLY!
McCartney, don't forget the Capitol C nor the capitol D in McDonalds, and no Mac in either.Maybe I'm Amazed by this one -
Its Paul Mccartney. NOT Paul Macartney
Now lets Get Back to the Three Rs in school !
McCartney, don't forget the Capitol C nor the capitol D in McDonalds, and no Mac in either.
I always do! Thanks to comments in this form I realised my error and now write "should've" (the proper contraction of should have). To me should have just doesn't sound right. For years I always thought that the April Wine hit "She Could Have Been A Lady" was "She Could Of Been A Lady", still today when I play that song I hear of instead of have!Here's one that kills me every time I see it.
We say/write:
Kind of...
Should have...
We NEVER say/write:
Should of
Got it?
Of is not a verb!
Thank you!
Old man rant over...
Humans are notorious for being lazy. Shortening up every phrase every spoken...until you absolutely cannot make sense of the saying at all.Like the aforementioned "I could care less", "The proof is in the pudding" is another relatively recent howler, which doesn't make any sense to me. Proof of what? Where did this pudding come from? Why is it relevant to the proof of something?
The correct proverb is "The proof of the pudding is in the eating".