This should have been included on the Blu-ray, but nonetheless, it's still a fantastic look at the making of one of R.E.M.'s best album!

Ryan, I get where you're coming from. I too (like most of us) hope that as much content as possible will make it on to the BD of a release.
I can tell you though, that for promotional videos, sometimes it makes the most sense to leave it
off of the BD.
Sometimes it's simply a matter of timing and sometimes it's more than that.
Take my album, Disturbing the Universe, for instance. A similar interview style video is being shot and I considered accelerating the timeline of the video to be able to include it on the BD, but chose not to in the end.
The video will turn out better once the camera crew and interviewer are familiar with the album. And, given that the video is somewhat a promotional thing, it makes sense that it is not constrained to the BD, but rather accessible from the web, via youtube, vimeo, etc.
If the video is present
only on the BD, then it can not be used to promote the BD. Only those who have already bought it will see it. That makes it an extra or a "goodie" for those who
already wanted the package.
I suppose such videos could be present on the BD
and on the web, but that is a matter of timing and of strategy and is not always within any one person's control.
Just my $0.02.
The more I think about this release, the more I'd like to hear the Atmos, dammit. It's just that the Elliott Scheiner DVD-A is soooo damned good, it's hard to want to give another surround mix a chance...