Rhino Quadio Batch 5 for August 2024!


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I see what happened. You have a typo that I suspect is keeping this release out of the Discogs Bread "Baby I'm-A Want You" album list.

Baby I'm-a Want You should actually be:
Baby I'm-A Want You

If you mean the master release list for the album, this is something done manually by the discogs moderators. They'll find the new submission eventually and add it.
If you mean the master release list for the album, this is something done manually by the discogs moderators. They'll find the new submission eventually and add it.
The spelling error issue remains just that, a block from a search of the 2024 BR disc.
You can do this as a contributor. I add all my submissions to the appropriate master releases myself.

Why do something yourself when you can leave it for someone else to do? :D Just kidding, that is good info.

(I wonder if the discogs mods who've had to do this for my 1000 submissions secretly hate me, haha.)
I'm also guilty of not adding my new subs to the master release figuring they will get attached eventually.
The bulk of my contributions are corrections to existing entries, and adding pictures where they are missing or of horrible quality. Just the other day I added pics to an 8 year old CD entry and could not believe that no one had bothered to add pictures in the 8 years.

Reasons for cleaning up Discogs entries is usually (but not always) selfish, as I have a copy to sell and want it to be accurately described and shown off in a flattering light.
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I see what happened. You have a typo that I suspect is keeping this release out of the Discogs Bread "Baby I'm-A Want You" album list.

Baby I'm-a Want You should actually be:
Baby I'm-A Want You
I’m a bit surprised that a difference in capitalization, in spite of discogs’ capitalization bot, would cause a search failure. I believe I’ve done plenty of searches not using caps and they’ve found the target. But it’s discogs, so who knows WTF their algorithms require?
Why do something yourself when you can leave it for someone else to do? :D Just kidding, that is good info.

(I wonder if the discogs mods who've had to do this for my 1000 submissions secretly hate me, haha.)
I know I get all sorts of “corrections” (just check the “country” entry on the release under discussion). Some of my entries are pretty obscure, and they’ve sparked some fairly unfriendly comments, mostly because the mods there just don’t have as many clues as they think they have.

While it’s a pretty cool service, I’m unimpressed by a lot of the restrictions involved there.
I know I get all sorts of “corrections” (just check the “country” entry on the release under discussion). Some of my entries are pretty obscure, and they’ve sparked some fairly unfriendly comments, mostly because the mods there just don’t have as many clues as they think they have.

While it’s a pretty cool service, I’m unimpressed by a lot of the restrictions involved there.

Yeah I completely echo your experience - about 10 years ago (maybe more now) I got annoyed at how spotty the quad listings were, even for the major label releases, that I went through label by label and methodically added all the missing ones and corrected the missing ones or added the quad remix credits at the very least.

I'll admit, there was a small self-serving reason for this too - I was hoping adding some of these new listings (particularly of Q8s and Japanese CD-4s) would yield cheap marketplace listings with no buying history for the sellers to rely on in setting prices, which did happen a few times. But mainly I was just hoping (in the days before AF, D-V and now Rhino) that it would bring quad a bit more into the mainstream and give people here the ability see pictures and other info about some of the albums they'd only heard about.

I'd intended to do every label eventually, but the constant (as you note) unfriendly comments, overzealous adherence to rules, and having to justify myself to people who knew less than me on the subject completely killed my enthusiasm for the project. The final straw was getting regularly harassed by a couple of users (one of which was 'fishbulb', a guy known to some of the old-schoolers here) who were threatening to have my account suspended and were trying to make me "prove" I owned copies of specific albums by sending them pictures of me holding them and so on, like it was some kind of hostage situation. I even got a message there from Darrell Johnson, former JVC Cutting Center CD-4 mastering engineer, complaining about being similarly hounded off the site, so we're not alone in this experience.

Though it pained me as a perfectionist/completionist, gave up adding any more quad releases after that (about 75% of the way through my task) because I just came to the conclusion that life was too short to spend any more of it than an absolutely necessary arguing with idiots on the internet. I'm sure (in their own minds) they mean well, but it's like Frankenstein making the little girl's head pop off because he hugged her too tightly - these guys only care about the end result and have no consideration for the effect of the methods used to achieve it.

So now I only add and/or update D-V listings, and if I get questions, challenges or queries on those I'll defend them if necessary, but for anything else I just ignore it and tell myself that in the fullness of time the collective wisdom of crowd-sourcing will mean that these listings eventually end up correct, even if in the short term they're not 100% there because some pedant is insisting on a change (like for example, lots of them think that quad LPs are "reissues" whereas I disagree, because a quad mix is a new mix and a new product, not a reissue of a previous product) that's the rules equivalent of driving your car into a lake because your GPS told you to.
Yeah I completely echo your experience - about 10 years ago (maybe more now) I got annoyed at how spotty the quad listings were, even for the major label releases, that I went through label by label and methodically added all the missing ones and corrected the missing ones or added the quad remix credits at the very least.

I'll admit, there was a small self-serving reason for this too - I was hoping adding some of these new listings (particularly of Q8s and Japanese CD-4s) would yield cheap marketplace listings with no buying history for the sellers to rely on in setting prices, which did happen a few times. But mainly I was just hoping (in the days before AF, D-V and now Rhino) that it would bring quad a bit more into the mainstream and give people here the ability see pictures and other info about some of the albums they'd only heard about.

I'd intended to do every label eventually, but the constant (as you note) unfriendly comments, overzealous adherence to rules, and having to justify myself to people who knew less than me on the subject completely killed my enthusiasm for the project. The final straw was getting regularly harassed by a couple of users (one of which was 'fishbulb', a guy known to some of the old-schoolers here) who were threatening to have my account suspended and were trying to make me "prove" I owned copies of specific albums by sending them pictures of me holding them and so on, like it was some kind of hostage situation. I even got a message there from Darrell Johnson, former JVC Cutting Center CD-4 mastering engineer, complaining about being similarly hounded off the site, so we're not alone in this experience.

Though it pained me as a perfectionist/completionist, gave up adding any more quad releases after that (about 75% of the way through my task) because I just came to the conclusion that life was too short to spend any more of it than an absolutely necessary arguing with idiots on the internet. I'm sure (in their own minds) they mean well, but it's like Frankenstein making the little girl's head pop off because he hugged her too tightly - these guys only care about the end result and have no consideration for the effect of the methods used to achieve it.

So now I only add and/or update D-V listings, and if I get questions, challenges or queries on those I'll defend them if necessary, but for anything else I just ignore it and tell myself that in the fullness of time the collective wisdom of crowd-sourcing will mean that these listings eventually end up correct, even if in the short term they're not 100% there because some pedant is insisting on a change (like for example, lots of them think that quad LPs are "reissues" whereas I disagree, because a quad mix is a new mix and a new product, not a reissue of a previous product) that's the rules equivalent of driving your car into a lake because your GPS told you to.
i'd similarly fallen foul of fhe fishbulb's of this world so i threw in the towel and stopped adding titles, pics & info to Discogs a couple of years ago. as big as Quad is in life, that life's way too short to put up with pedantic wankers with a pathetic agenda like that.
Yeah I completely echo your experience - about 10 years ago (maybe more now) I got annoyed at how spotty the quad listings were, even for the major label releases, that I went through label by label and methodically added all the missing ones and corrected the missing ones or added the quad remix credits at the very least.

I'll admit, there was a small self-serving reason for this too - I was hoping adding some of these new listings (particularly of Q8s and Japanese CD-4s) would yield cheap marketplace listings with no buying history for the sellers to rely on in setting prices, which did happen a few times. But mainly I was just hoping (in the days before AF, D-V and now Rhino) that it would bring quad a bit more into the mainstream and give people here the ability see pictures and other info about some of the albums they'd only heard about.

I'd intended to do every label eventually, but the constant (as you note) unfriendly comments, overzealous adherence to rules, and having to justify myself to people who knew less than me on the subject completely killed my enthusiasm for the project. The final straw was getting regularly harassed by a couple of users (one of which was 'fishbulb', a guy known to some of the old-schoolers here) who were threatening to have my account suspended and were trying to make me "prove" I owned copies of specific albums by sending them pictures of me holding them and so on, like it was some kind of hostage situation. I even got a message there from Darrell Johnson, former JVC Cutting Center CD-4 mastering engineer, complaining about being similarly hounded off the site, so we're not alone in this experience.

Though it pained me as a perfectionist/completionist, gave up adding any more quad releases after that (about 75% of the way through my task) because I just came to the conclusion that life was too short to spend any more of it than an absolutely necessary arguing with idiots on the internet. I'm sure (in their own minds) they mean well, but it's like Frankenstein making the little girl's head pop off because he hugged her too tightly - these guys only care about the end result and have no consideration for the effect of the methods used to achieve it.

So now I only add and/or update D-V listings, and if I get questions, challenges or queries on those I'll defend them if necessary, but for anything else I just ignore it and tell myself that in the fullness of time the collective wisdom of crowd-sourcing will mean that these listings eventually end up correct, even if in the short term they're not 100% there because some pedant is insisting on a change (like for example, lots of them think that quad LPs are "reissues" whereas I disagree, because a quad mix is a new mix and a new product, not a reissue of a previous product) that's the rules equivalent of driving your car into a lake because your GPS told you to.
Well, I'm still adding releases, but even on this site I've gotten a ration of shit about how some entries are made, and even though I put in a perfectly good barcode on "Baby I'm-A Want You" I was told by several here that they couldn't find the entry. I was asked for a link, provided one, and still had complaints. So I'll do what I do, but not announce it.
I’m a bit surprised that a difference in capitalization, in spite of discogs’ capitalization bot, would cause a search failure. I believe I’ve done plenty of searches not using caps and they’ve found the target. But it’s discogs, so who knows WTF their algorithms require?
My first searches included quadio as I did not want to get 100 entires show up in my search. Then after you provided link and I saw no quadio in the entry, I did the search and still got nothing because the missing capital a. That is unusual I agree.

By the way, quadio next to an album title will zero in on that particular release. Just a search for alice quadio will generally bring up the B$B BR disc. In the case of albums with 75 to 300 different releases, the county of release and the series title (Quadio) are imo essential to be included in a new entry.
The Seals & Crofts release "Summer Breeze" still shows up as two separate entries under the Quadio series, not sure how it can be fixed.

Quadio series
Someone entered it not knowing it was already entered. And they must have ignored the possible duplicate notice before completing the listing. It will get merged.