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I haven't heard the Flynn/Cage CD-4; but from what I'm hearing on this YT video, pretty sure it's not gonna be a Fire-Brand title for Rhino Quadio. Even if they got wild with the mix and threw the Piano all around the channels; but maybe for a few passionate Quad collectors here, IDK...La Ruche/To Kill a Sunrise is owned by Smithsonian Folkways. I corresponded with the research staff at the Folklife Center a couple of years ago to see if they could scour the archives for a) the quad master tapes for To Kill a Sunrise and/or b) any production notes that might offer insight into Mimaroglu's quad mixing philosophy. Unfortunately their searches came up empty. Their only recommendation was to try to track down Tom Dwyer, the mastering engineer. I had no luck with that.
In this post from a decade ago, @steelydave actually listed three Finnadar CD-4s (and possibly Q8?) for which Mimaroglu almost certainly did the quad mix: Eric Saltzman, Wiretap; George Flynn/John Cage, Wound/Winter Music; and Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center. AoQ discussed his research into the latter album in this thread:
could be mistaken; do it Rhino, and let's find out 'K