Thanks for the update on release date. I was hoping for Atmos but 5.1 will most definitely suffice. Robert Reed uses it to great effect, in my opinion.
I have the same question. I ordered deluxe box from bandcamp with Ā£11 postage. But now I think maybe I should have ordered through tigermothshop with RotW option? I dunno...
I attended the playback event at Rockfield Studio in Wales on Saturday 8th March and it was absolutely brilliant!! Even though the album was only played in stereo, it was really enjoyable and I'm looking forward to hearing it again, but in 5.1.
Rob Reed did a Q&A afterwards, and apparently he's going to release a new version of his Kompendium album with extended sections, and parts from the Elements cd added to it, in the next few months. Rob Reed also played a few songs on piano and guitar, with Les Penning playing the recorder and whistles. Barry Palmer was there too, and sung Crime of Passion, that he recorded with Mike Oldfield.
I was fortunate to buy another copy of Sanctuary III at the small merchandise table and Rob Reed kindly signed it for me. He is a very gracious man .