So I was messing around with these files. I redid the MKV rip, this time with Garry's "
Multi-Media Helper" program, which, by the way is awesome:
View attachment 56105
View attachment 56106
And I have been running the 7.1 files on my PC to try and get a grip on the differences between the 7.1 and the "fake" 5.1 that's on the disc. My thought being that if the 7.1 is a higher bit depth that might sound better, why not create my own 5.1 from the 7.1, by either folding the extra two channels into either the fronts or the rears, depending on where the content match is best.
Has anyone else tried this?
And, if the 5.1 on the disc is a lessor audio quality mix, why? Why can't it be the same as the 7.1 mix? Although I think I understand the whole 'Atmos Encoding' in the 7.1 mix that the proper decoders can send around to the various 5.1.2, 7.1.2, 5.1.4, 7.1.4 or 9.1.2 speaker arrays the end user may have, I don't see why the 5.1 "core" would have to be a reduced quality mix.
If it turns out that the best way for a 5.1 user to hear Atmos mix content in 5.1 is for them to downmix the 7.1 mix themselves, then that's a pretty annoying step for those who do not have the money, time, space, or desire to go full-on Atmos.