I find the most effective and expeditious means to communicate is to open a chat session through customer service. This is especially quick if there is any damage. My box had damage to the corner. Not significant, but disappointing. Same thing happened with the Sgt Pepper box. The shipment packaging is not the problem, rather these dings are obviously occurring before they ship. They will ask to choose between return for refund or replacement. I always suggest a discount. They give it without question. Received $26.22. Suggest you ask for a discount based on the delay in delivery. Try that with ImportCDS! By the way, as always, Steven Wilson hits a home run. Discrete and crankable...So, how do you contact Amazon with complaints? I don't want to call them....not in the mood. Now they say my order will arrive Tuesday. I'm effing pissed. That is horse shit. I dropped another provider to get the damn thing faster and they messed it up. OK, UPS messed it up, but I don't care. They chose UPS to ship it and now it's several days late. That's not my problem. I will raise hell. I give them way too much money to tolerate this. I took the day off work in anticipation of getting this. I don't want some $100 item sitting on my front porch in the weather. Sorry.....I have that right.