HiRez Poll Rush - MOVING PICTURES [DVD-A/BluRay Audio]


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Rate the DVD-A/BDA of RUSH - Moving Pictures

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I'm sorry I didn't change my post quicker (after I changed it I didn't see the 'last edited by' blurb, so I thought that no one had seen my original post that you quote). But anyways...

As far as the shipment posts, I have no sympathy and truly find them to be superfluous at best - no matter which band and that includes KC - sorry but it makes me crazy.

I have to say, before I posted my share of those I kept asking myself 'who the fuck cares?' But I posted them anyways, it was just fun to get caught up in the excitement.

I will repost my comments about the disc when I have some more time later.
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I have two words to say: "Extreme Makeover". It's like after living in this house for 30 years, someone sent me away for a week and when I came back it was all new - the same house where I've lived all these years, but all shiny and new - not to mention 3D.

I think it's wonderful. I'm so thrilled to have this disc... heck, just to be alive at a time when I get to hear such magic filling my room. If they do this to "Permanent Waves" I might just pass out.
I'd love to see how a hi res version of Permanent Waves would compare to the MFSL cd.
I listened to this once in the car today, and although I have to admit I don't know this album well, I was very pleased with the surround mix. It wasn't overdone, but it was really FULL. There was enough going on to make you realize it was 5.1, but it didn't hit you over the head like an old Columbia Q8.

As for the material, I have to agree that it sounded great LOUD. There was something in each tune to like. Not voting yet, but this is a damn fine release from UMG.

Now, maybe this will set a precedent for the last 3 Eltons. DVD-A! SWEET!!!!
My initial impressions are that there are some parts that are a revelation, but mostly I didn't hear a lot of new things. The bass seems better, I heard new Geddy lines and also areas where I hadn't realized that Alex and Geddy were playing in unison. I don't care for the vocals coming from all speakers at once, and I noticed at least once that the bass was doing it too. I'm still setting up a new receiver and I wound up first turning the rears up, then back down.

Most of the surround 'effects,' for lack of a better term, are with the synth. It's done very well, no complaints there. Bass and guitar are often together with no real space between them, I found that odd. I would guess that they were trying to keep the original sound of the album. Sound quality is better than the previous cds, but not as good as I would like. Seeing how much work went into this release I can only assume that the quality is as good as we're going to get. As has been mentioned, the drum sound doesn't live up to Neil Peart. The weird part is that early on Alex's guitar often sounds flat and a bit distant. Later it is more lively and closer. Again, since it varies I can only assume that this is how they wanted it. It's not what I would have done, I guess is a good way to say it. (I want the guitar to come in on Tom Sawyer and knock you off your feet - it just feels like a 'rock god' riff that should explode out of your speakers)

All that said, it sounds better than ever and has a pretty good mix. It's a great album IMHO, so this is a winner. I want more, and maybe with repeat listenings I'll find it.
I will not vote on this disc until I hear the entire album, in surround, and at least a few times. I'm Posting my preliminary thoughts after listening to the first five tracks one time only. The first track I played was "YYZ". I was not impressed. The drum kit sounded flat (pushed way up against the back wall), while most of the other instruments were in the room. Weak bass and the drums sounded flat. Next track, "Limelight". I heard the same thing with this track. I started to think that this whole Blu-ray multi-channel disc was going to be like this. The third track I chose was "Tom Sawyer". Ah, the bass is back, just like I remember it sounding. I only played a couple of minutes of "Red Barchetta". So, I won't comment. The last track I played was "The Camera Eye". Now, we're getting somewhere! This track was mixed very well and I quite enjoyed it. A couple of things. I do not like how the vocals were mixed on the surround tracks. I prefer the vocals coming from the center with slight steering to the L&R channels. At times, they were all over the place. Also, I don't like how the drum kit is further away in the mix than the other instruments, and at the same time, the cymbals are flying around the room. My last gripe is that on the extreme top end shimmer of the cymbals, they sound very bright and unfocused. I'll listen to the entire album over the weekend and Post my final thoughts along with my vote.

Packaging & Menu: I have no complaints about the packaging but will say, it could have been worse. I like the way the menu is laid out and the fact that while viewing the lyrics, unlike the DVD version, the page automatically changes with a music note (and a circle around it) appearing between versus.
Rush for me was always a band you heard on the local rock FM station back in the '80's - sort of working man's prog.
The tracks heard on the radio weren't the best Rush had to offer IMO - the more "proggy" :) material, like many other prog rock bands' music, was too offbeat, dreamy and/or experimental, and usually too long time-wise, for a commercial station to deal with.

Using a completely different genre of music as an analogy, the Beastie Boys' Paul's Boutique, while an excellent album full of original ideas, was so UNcommercial it barely made it onto the charts and most people I know of that really liked their previous album, Licensed To Ill, couldn't get into PB at all. But there is one track on there that is a "lite" version of the rest of the album that got some play on the radio and that was "Hey Ladies". Heck it even *sounds* different - it's much brighter and it is also louder (volume-wise, not overcompressed) than all the other tracks, but those sonic qualities help make it more radio friendly.

But if all one heard was Hey Ladies, I admit they would get the wrong impression of what's on the rest of that classic album (and it's NOTHING like Licensed To Ill).
You're making way too much of the "working man's prog" comment - it really wasn't meant as a slam. Just the ramblings of a deranged mind.
Late last night, I listened to my MFSL copy of "Moving Pictures" and compared it to the newly remastered deluxe CD. To my ears, the deluxe version was clearer and more dynamic. It sounded so good, I would have paid $20.00 for the deluxe CD version alone. I have the 1997 remaster too but it is still sealed since I always played the MFSL version.
Speaking as just a rock fan, not necessarily a die-hard Rush fan, or a member of the Neil Peart fan club, I thought this sounded pretty good. I've always thought of Rush as a guitar band first and foremost, and boy can you hear the guitars on this surround mix! I really enjoy Geddy and Neil's playing, but as bassist and drummer I expect them to be somewhat submerged in the mix. I can hear Neil's fills and rolls just fine, though I'm not an expert on what his kit should sound like or where it should be in the mix. Geddy's bass is very audible on some tracks, like "Tom Sawyer", and kind of submerged on others lke "Limelight," where the guitar part really roars out of the door. This is what I would call an immersive mix, with synths and guitars prominent in the surround portion of the mix. I felt overwhelmed by the music at times, especially on Limelight, but you know what - that's how I want to feel when I listen to a Rush album! I want to feel the power brothers! All in all, a very good what I call "power" mix, maybe not as engrossing as a Steven Wilson mix, but hey this is basically a three piece band so I didn't expect that. I give it an 8 with the music being a 10.
I've now listed attentively to this dvd-audio twice. I think this is going to be amongst my favorite dvd-audios (or other surround formats). The fact is that I prefer discs where the goal seems to be the filling of space left by a standard stereo recording as compared to those surround recordings where the emphasis seems to be on the separation of the sounds rather than the cohesiveness/envelopment of sound for the listener. The songs are great, I love the production, and it was put out at the right price. 10 all the way!
Picked this up today. Went to three different stores looking for the BluRay version, but that seems to be sold out all over the place while everyone was pretty stocked of the DVD version. Gave in and bought the DVD ($17.99 at J&R!)

As for the mix, this is about as average as it gets. While there's a few neat flourishes here and there, and the clarity is spot-on, all that was really present for me was some increased sense of soundfield. In not many places did I feel like I was truly immersed in experiencing the album in surround. It's amazing. These producers literally have access to the multi-tracks, but they can't even give you a nicely centered vocal. Lazy, lazy, lazy. While there were a few places where I thought, "OK...there's something I couldn't do myself," mostly with some new panning effects, most of the surround just did not leave me with that impression. At least with a couple of the KC and PT mixes, I would stop listening knowing that it was something that was only possible when you had a professional mix. A missed opportunity with an album which, from actual professionals, should have been an easy home run.

5 out of 10 from me.
Went to three different stores looking for the BluRay version, but that seems to be sold out all over the place while everyone was pretty stocked of the DVD version.

Are those 3 stores best buy? If not, I think it won't release there till 3rd May officially...
Are those 3 stores best buy? If not, I think it won't release there till 3rd May officially...

BB, Borders, J&R. BB had a space for them next to the DVD, as did J&R. Maybe they were expecting them to be out on the same day?
Picked this up today. Went to three different stores looking for the BluRay version, but that seems to be sold out all over the place while everyone was pretty stocked of the DVD version. Gave in and bought the DVD ($17.99 at J&R!)

As for the mix, this is about as average as it gets. While there's a few neat flourishes here and there, and the clarity is spot-on, all that was really present for me was some increased sense of soundfield. In not many places did I feel like I was truly immersed in experiencing the album in surround. It's amazing. These producers literally have access to the multi-tracks, but they can't even give you a nicely centered vocal. Lazy, lazy, lazy. While there were a few places where I thought, "OK...there's something I couldn't do myself," mostly with some new panning effects, most of the surround just did not leave me with that impression. At least with a couple of the KC and PT mixes, I would stop listening knowing that it was something that was only possible when you had a professional mix. A missed opportunity with an album which, from actual professionals, should have been an easy home run.

5 out of 10 from me.

When I went to Best Buy the day it was released, I was lucky that I snagged the last DVD-A version. There were still quite a few Blu-Ray versions available (I happen to buy that version also). I guess they didn't stock as many DVD-A's figuring that more people would buy the Blu-Ray instead.

It was really weird going into Best Buy in 2011 and buying a brand new dvd-a. It was like I was transported back a decade. I'm really grateful for this release and I'm hoping it may inject some life back into the format.
...discs where the goal seems to be the filling of space left by a standard stereo recording as compared to those surround recordings where the emphasis seems to be on the separation of the sounds rather than the cohesiveness/envelopment of sound for the listener.
Great realization about surround in general. Only wish I could comment specifically about this album but sadly I'm still waiting for my copy. On the other hand, it's fabulous that the demand is high.
...In summation I suggest to those of you that had a negative take on the disc, go back and listen again at an increased volume level and see if you change your mind. No civil suits for hearing loss please! ;)...

Cranked this sucker up today - so much so that my 15 year old deaf Labrador left the room to seek shelter from the storm! - I do agree that it sounds fuller and that the drum tones improve -thanks for the tip Dennis!. Not happy though that I should have to blast it to enjoy it -as ear fatigue starts setting in half way through at that level. I would give it a 7 at ear splitting volumes but still an overall 6 (mainly because I hate having to wait so long for the damn disc to load). Still have the DVDA coming next week (for my car system) - perhaps that environment will provide a better listening experience. I really want to like this - I have listened to this album more in the last few days than I have in the last 30 years!
Is it just me or does the DTS-MA sound totally echoeer than the pcm mix? The two mixes are like night and day.
When I went to Best Buy the day it was released, I was lucky that I snagged the last DVD-A version. There were still quite a few Blu-Ray versions available (I happen to buy that version also). I guess they didn't stock as many DVD-A's figuring that more people would buy the Blu-Ray instead.

It was really weird going into Best Buy in 2011 and buying a brand new dvd-a. It was like I was transported back a decade. I'm really grateful for this release and I'm hoping it may inject some life back into the format.

Best Buy by Lincoln Center in NYC had about 10-12 DVD-As out, no BD's. Borders had two DVD-As, no BD's. At J&R, they were swimming in DVD-As. I counted about 15 sitting on an endcap, four in the bins, and a box underneath full of them for restocking. no BD's. very different experience for me.