Simply random stuff


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I did. And I see you. But now it looks like a dachshund is sitting on your shoulder.
After you posted this I tried to figure out how you saw a dachshund this morning. I could only see a person with some psychedelic embellishments.
Now I check out the latest posts this afternoon and still talk of a dachshund.

I finally see it. What a relief. I'm not K9 blind.
Guess what these are. Atmos mic sets?

Pop Master...had to google that one.
It's an institution in the UK but probably does not travel well outside the country.

During covid lockdown Ken Bruce did "All Day Pop Master" a couple of times, another contest every hour or so I recall. Just Ken and the BBC (he's on commercial radio now) doing their bit to keep the country sane.

In the last 2 weeks before Christmas it's Champions League Pop Master, where all the people who got max 39 points and some that got 36 plus the 3 in 10 compete to be the year's champion.

The prizes are tiny. It's just a bit of fun on the radio. The big issue is, if you have the builders (contractors) in to do some work, do they stop for Pop Master? If not they're probably no good as builders. You can get "I stop for Pop Master" stickers and T shirts.