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Actually the crows are here so often they are scaring off my summer visitors, the Tanagers.
You must get some pretty birds down there. We get bluejays, cardinals, goldfinches, hummingbirds...and turkey vultures! One day I counted at least 20 of the ugly beasts hanging around in the trees. A neighbor was out jogging and quipped that the vultures were waiting for him to drop.
You must get some pretty birds down there. We get bluejays, cardinals, goldfinches, hummingbirds...and turkey vultures! One day I counted at least 20 of the ugly beasts hanging around in the trees. A neighbor was out jogging and quipped that the vultures were waiting for him to drop.
Yes. We have Bluejays and cardinals year round. Nice to see the Cardinals in the winter, bring some color.
Spring and summer bring the hummers, Tanagers, Cow Birds, two species of Dove, and many others either passing through or staying for a short visit I can't recall by name.
Turkey Vultures are year round, cruising the skies or feasting on the side of the road on some roadkill.
Yes. But there's always a murder of crows about, and a single hawk.
look what you did -
Here I have crows. Now, I'm a bird lover. I have a hummingbird feeder and feeders for the larger birds, several birdbaths.
But the constant racket from the crows is a royal pita. Lately they've come to harassing a hawk whom I suspect has a nest close by, and he/she is always vigilant when the crows are about.
Plus they dirty up my birdbaths something awful.
Our lot backs to an irrigation canal, and we have mallard ducks and Canada geese all spring and summer. We love it when they bring their ducklings and goslings through the wrought iron fence to graze under our sunflower-seed feeders. We also get a lot of goldfinches and house finches at the feeders, the occasional robin and raven, and more mourning doves than you can imagine. We usually have a nest of California quail, but not this year.
At the moment, the dominant birds in my yard are:

  • Robins - lots
  • Crows - lots
  • Red-Wing Blackbirds - just a few
  • Grackles - lots
  • various finch - lots (I say various because there are so many variations I see hanging around)
  • Wrens - just a few
  • Cardinals - seem like just a pair
  • Bluejays - lots of pairs
  • Doves - lots
  • Cow Birds - lots
  • Brown Thrashers - quite a few, first time we've seen them in our yard.
  • Hummers - just 1 or 2 seem to frequent our feeder out front. Really just 20 seconds and they are off.
At the moment, the dominant birds in my yard are:

  • Robins - lots
  • Crows - lots
  • Red-Wing Blackbirds - just a few
  • Grackles - lots
  • various finch - lots (I say various because there are so many variations I see hanging around)
  • Wrens - just a few
  • Cardinals - seem like just a pair
  • Bluejays - lots of pairs
  • Doves - lots
  • Cow Birds - lots
  • Brown Thrashers - quite a few, first time we've seen them in our yard.
  • Hummers - just 1 or 2 seem to frequent our feeder out front. Really just 20 seconds and they are off.
How big is your yard?
I hate 90 degree rear placements. I will never mix for 90 degree rear placements. It's fine if you don't have the room I barely have room for more than 110 but 100 degrees at least PLEASE
You mean placing rears in the 7.1 side positions? Yeah, nobody makes mixes for that. It's not a standard array configuration. It could be... But opinions aside, it's not at present.