Simply random stuff


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A little boy asked his mom why "daddy" is bald, "it's because he thinks a lot", the kid stared at his mom a minute and asked, "is that why you have a lot of hair?"
I was in my 30s and my father had an emergency bowel Op, a hand sized chunk of his hair fell out shortly afterwards, as he had had some fun at my expense or more correctly lack of expanse of hair, I had some :p fun back! My mother took me to one side and said don't upset your father he is very sensitive about it, I think I 'toned it down a bit' but didn't stop, he had the last laugh anyway his grew back :D

Of no consequence to the greater population..but I'm happy to report that after two hurricanes in a year's time, I've regained about 2 acres out of 5.3 free from fallen trees and debris. Chainsaw, rake, pitchfork, wheelbarrow, truck, manual labor. No heavy equipment except what I can lift with my arms.
I've also managed to rebuild my goldfish/koi pond and waterfall and remove/re-mortar all the rock.
No help.
Call me anything you want...but...

You don't have to call me Waylon Jennings
And you don't have to call me Charley Pride
And you don't have to call me Merle Haggard anymore
Even though you're on my fighting side.
… And I'll hang around as long as you will let me
And I never minded standin' in the rain
But you don't have to call me darlin' darlin'
You never even call me by my name.