Watched the new Spiderman movie...
Definitely better than the first. First animated movie I enjoyed in a while. The art direction was really good. Worth going for the animation pretty cool stuff going on. Only problem was the movie was 2 hours and STILL ended on a cliffhanger...couldn't they have rounded it to 3 hours and finished the story up??? But hey, not everyone is used to 3 hour movies like I am, especially kids. Also, they probably have more plot to justify a third film.
Definitely better than the first. First animated movie I enjoyed in a while. The art direction was really good. Worth going for the animation pretty cool stuff going on. Only problem was the movie was 2 hours and STILL ended on a cliffhanger...couldn't they have rounded it to 3 hours and finished the story up??? But hey, not everyone is used to 3 hour movies like I am, especially kids. Also, they probably have more plot to justify a third film.