Sony Buys Queen Catalog for Over a Billion Pounds


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It’s interesting to see these artists almost always be acquired by a different label that they were originally on.

I’d like to see Warner try harder at acquiring these popular artists because, as of this point in time, I like what I’m seeing with how they’re offering different playing formats with the ones they have, willing to take a gamble on releasing surround formats and making people happy at the same time.
Queen makes 55 million a year without exploiting it like Sony will.
Get ready to hear them in commercials and movies.
“Don’t Stop Me Now” gets used in a LOT of commercials. The main reason that song is much more popular with younger generations today than it was when was a current track. And how many commercials and movies have their other songs been used in? A LOT.

just that song, “We Will Rock You”, “We Are The Champions”, “Another One Bites The Dust” and “Bohemian Rhapsody” alone will probably earn the entire investment back over the next decade.
Maybe my personal bias here because outside of a few hit songs, I never got Queen?
I just don't understand the money trail in the music business.
Mercury's been dead for 33 years with the band making little new music of substance since.
So how does Sony pay $1billion pounds (1.25+ billion US) for the catalog and hope to make a future profit from this. :unsure:
Those few hit songs have be ubiquitous for decades now. That didn’t happen just by accident. It’s because they’ve been marketed to stay in the public consciousness. Those few songs are a goldmine.
I'm surprised by this, I always thought Queen would hold on to their catalogue until they're all dead. They had so much trouble not owning their own stuff early in their career and it took such effort to get the rights, I'm amazed they've done this.

Also, they make 55 million a year as it is. What does a billion let them do that 55 million a year does not? I suppose Brian can now afford to buy some private islands as badger sancturies.
Those few hit songs have be ubiquitous for decades now. That didn’t happen just by accident. It’s because they’ve been marketed to stay in the public consciousness. Those few songs are a goldmine.
Queen live just play the hits, plus a guitar solo. Barely anything changes from one tour to the next, I went to three with Adam Lambert and then stopped going. I suppose the purpose is to keep those hits popular, but I'd appreciate tours that focus on different eras of the band's output. Probably three eras would cover it: early, middle and late.
Do you know how many fuckers make a bundle of cash just in the process of moving this amount of money from one place to another?

I had a girlfriend who was in investment banking. She explained that they make a minuscule percentage of the amount of money involved, but it's of an enormous amount (i.e. such a the GBP 1 billion), so they make tons of money off of the deal.

Now let's talk about the lawyers fees.... :ROFLMAO:
Maybe we'll finally get a release of Queen live in South America, which has been rumoured and half promised for more than 4 decades.