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kap'n krunch

2K Club - QQ Super Nova
Nov 25, 2008
Erased land
or a little while ago...
Right now it's ...pretty decent sounding pressing ...until I saw it was off center!!!!...can't notice it much though...man. Trevor Horn is god!!!!

Before this is a thrift shop find; a 1965 LP that had probably had been played...ONCE??? Since it's RCA , it was in a plastic lined inner paper sleeve and it had basically NO DUST! and , being a 55 year old slab, it played wonderfully; VERY quiet! The recording is really good except for some string section phase issues...a very seldom heard piece by NIkolai Rimsky-Korsakov and a verrrry elegant cover ...must have cost a bit back then.
Nyro's best selling album and the one that made me a fan! Had a chance to see/hear her live twice. I've had this on LPx2, CD, Expanded CD x2. One of my most favorite artists and most listened to albums. Lots of dynamic range. RIP
I am sure you have the beautiful "alternate" cover which was sold on PXs worldwide..interesting story...
Actually, I do not, although I have seen pix before. That photo was used in the booklet included with the original release.
it was almost the same..I know cause I got an early 70s pressing WITHOUT the booklet and had to cough up some more dough for an original pressing WITH the booklet..
this is the booklet pic...seems a bit later that evening..beautiful stuff!!!
Sting "Mercury Falling" ("free") LP...I got it yesterday
quite a decent pressing which includes an extra track that I was not familiar with...I am a bit pixellated cause it SEEMS it was an ...ANALOG (???) recording and mix ...usually 48/44K recording and mixes have a very pronounced dropoff at about 20K...but this one ..doesn't(!!??!!)..OK, yes it does in the first three songs but then ...oh well..might just as well enjoy the music..maybe some fairy dust in the guise of an aural exciter was used...

always though this was a great album...if only I could make an album half as good as this!!!
Screen Shot 2020-05-29 at 3.37.28 PM.png
On Sting roll...had never heard this one and I got it for about $6 on LP in Discogs...sounds like a victim of the Loudness Wars...that is why I got it on vinyl cause at least I'll get the lovely vinyl limiting 400Hz boost otherwise known as .. "Warmth"
the Nth version I have of Nikolai's classic masterpiece...which actually was the first ever I heard (my stepdad bought it back then and I got the same pressing recently...very KINKYYYY painting!!!!)
Reading this thread makes me think I might have to unbox my old Thorens TT and crank some snap, crackle, pop! I have a sizable vinyl collection (~1200 albums) that has been gathering dust for about 30 years.
Since I got an SM2 I've been listening to a lot more vinyl, some SQ/QS Quad, but mostly using the Involve mode on stereo LPs (& quite a few CDs).
Some good ole' Mac on the TT in NOLA...(I have mentioned before that ) I got these 2 LPs cause Mac speaks of them rather fondly in his book...but I guess Mac is like pizza...(just realized the unintended food pun)

Also enjoying the "post maintenance" sweet TT!!!!
Some great sounding Japanese slab o'vinyl.... remixed and reshuffled slightly...love that early 80's sharp sounding production....
hmmm, I'd say MORE than slightly...quite remixed and AAMOF "My own way" is a TOTALLY different version; faster and with a string section a lá disco...didn´t Jason Corsaro(RIP) mix this??? He was a freaking genius...maybe he'd have done some SURROUND had he lived...I have always liked his mixes..very clear and sharp...
hmmm, I'd say MORE than slightly...quite remixed and AAMOF "My own way" is a TOTALLY different version; faster and with a string section a lá disco...didn´t Jason Corsaro(RIP) mix this??? He was a freaking genius...maybe he'd have dome some SURROUND had he lived...I have always liked his mixes..very clear and sharp...
Got any idea how big your LP collection is Kap'?