Thank you for the previous information. I have my found my 4 mono .wav files and placed them where I want them.
The next problem I just discovered is that the scripts are not being read. I have downloaded four different scripts; the two .zip files from POST 1 (I am using the 44.1 Hz script), the literal from POST 14 (which was place on a NOTEPAD and downloaded into the SCRIPT file), and a second .zip file from POST 19. They have been placed in the Abode 1.5 SCRIPT file. Regarding the one from POST 19, I made the changes recommended with one deivation; my SQ files are in my external 1 TB hard drive (K

under the name "SQ tracks". So, the I:'s were changed to K: and the "SQ"s were changed to "SQ tracks".
Regardless which script I try, none of the scripts are being activated. I am forgetting/missing something or there is a step missing. In each case, I openned the script, highlighted it, and then I click "RUN SCRIPT". The next second later, a small window appears with the error message: "ATTENTION: SCRIPT STOPPED". I have never worked with scripts before, so I have no clue what the problem could be.
One last thing, I noticed on one of the recordings I have been practicing with, after I change the resolution to 32 bit, there is some crackling, almost static-like, sound in the recording; something I never noticed in the original. The original is not a record, but a CD that I was told had the Quad information intact (Martinu: Symphony #4, Neumann/Czech PO, Supraphon SQ). I would have used the record I have of the same performance, but I thought the CD would sound cleaner. At any rate, is this something to expect with increasing the resolution? Since I am using headphones, I suppose it could be the connection on my computer; I know it is not my headphones. Any thoughts? Can I do this whole process without up-ing the resolution (if that is the problem)? I do notice a dramatic jump in the graph of the files in the EDIT view.
Sorry if this is wordy. I tried to be as complete as possible with the info.
Thanks for your time and patience.