You have to have spent the big bucko bucks to own Kaleidescape components in order to buy from their online store and play their stuff. Sometimes Kaleidescape gets updated mezzanine files from the studio with improved audio or video, and then my Kaleidescape system automatically notifies me the update is available and I download it. All I can tell you is I have the currently available 4k HDR10 version of this movie as shown on the website.
The cheapest way to get into Kaleidescape hardware is to buy the recently released Strato V.
And a great place to learn and ask questions is the Kaleidescape Owner's Forum at
Assuming a 4k blu ray of this concert is released, whether Kaleidescape will have it available, and whether Kaleidescape can simply update us owners of the Kaleidescape version at no cost, will depend upon whether the 4k blu ray release is the same studio and their contract with the studio, terms of which I do not have available.