One thing I noticed was interesting with regards to the stereo version - on the streaming services, you get the choice of just listening to the two long tracks or to each of the separate movements that make up each side. But on these separated movements, some of the transitions seem to have been altered.
For example - "Objects: Meanwhile" immediately cuts into "The Cicerones" (when the acoustic guitar starts to fade in after the big sax blast) when you listen to the full-length side 1. But on the separated tracks, "Meanwhile" plays to a clean ending - and then the acoustic starts to fade in on the next track after a second or two of silence. Same thing on "Ark" into "Cosmic Sons of Toil" - the former plays to a clean ending, and then the swirling synth that kicks off the latter fades up from silence instead of starting immediately.
Personally I like it better as the two big chunks without fades between movements (and that seems to be your only option for listening in surround), but curious what other people think.