Just for the thought, no malice intended. There was a line here that gives me pause, and i have to disagree somewhat. The idea that we give a better education now than we old farts got is just wrong. We get lots of info we have no idea is true or not. But Our parents were willing to support schools like they should be run. We got more education in grade school than many get now through high school. Especially thing like Civics, and Art, and Music, and History, and Geography, and Lit and ... it goes on and on. In this country we are not willing to spend the $ on funds it takes to provide a well rounded education with small class sizes. It means more teachers, more technology, more funds. We have the F-35, 100 built and none operational. $400 billion. Stop a fucking jet and we would have plenty of dough.
A lot of Xmas albums are I think, are redo of seasonal songs many grew up hearing, but by popular artists of the time. It changes each decade and they get redone over and over again. All albums have a better chance of selling 50 years ago, we are slightly distracted these days!