Talking Heads “77” Deluxe Edition in 2024!


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I think I paid $99 for the Brick and $3 or 4 bucks for some of the individual titles in the CD + DVD format when they were being closed out in the UK.
Hot damn! Good luck finding one today for less than three times as much:

Big improvement from the DVD-a? Thanks
Some think so; others aren't convinced; I'm on the fence. I find that the height channels consist mostly of fronts and rears doubled at lower volume and/or with added reverb. It makes for an "immersive" experience, I guess, but it's more "enhanced 5.1" than "reimagined-for-Atmos." YMMV.

A fair amount of existing discussion about all the TH Atmos mixes:

Jerry Harrison discusses the approach that he and Eric Thorngren took in an episode of the Bob Lefsetz podcast and in a Tape Op interview--excerpts here.
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Some think so; others aren't convinced; I'm on the fence. I find that the height channels consist mostly of fronts and rears doubled at lower volume and/or with added reverb. It makes for an "immersive" experience, I guess, but it's more "enhanced 5.1" than "reimagined-for-Atmos." YMMV.

A fair amount of existing discussion about all the TH Atmos mixes:

Jerry Harrison discusses the approach that he and Eric Thorngren took in an episode of the Bob Lefsetz podcast and in a Tape Op interview--excerpts here.
It's what scares me every time I hear of a new Atmos reissue, because I do not want to hear those eights or they must provide a new layer or interplay with all the other speakers . unfortunately I don't own an 🍏 TV to listen to judge by myself
$99.58 or whatever it was when I hit preorder on amazon is steep… especially if you consider that we’re likely in for 9 of these (77 through to Naked… though I assume most will stop at Little Creatures)… but I’m banking on Amazon Pre-order price guarantees to knock that down. Plus, forget the Atmos, the most exciting thing in this set is the previously unreleased CBGB show!
Since I already have a lot of the TH titles in 5.1 I can't see dropping another $600 to double dip. If this is the route they take for the reissue campaign it reminds me of the similarly overpriced Yes reissues. But at least those have bundled vinyl as an excuse for price gouging ;). Thankfully, the Yes reissues have dropped significantly in price shortly after release making them a bit more palatable. It will be interesting to see if the Talking Heads releases follow suit.
Prices on these deluxe sets do seem to be increasing. The Leprous Melodies Of Atonement "artbook" (2CD with atmos blu-ray) is going for $60-$80 at most outlets which is ridiculous IMHO. Shelling out that much for a single album just sticks in my craw, even if the mix is good and I like the music. It makes keeping the Apple Music subscription easier to justify.
Blame Kiss' Destroyer for destroying sane pricing! ;-)
Prices on these deluxe sets do seem to be increasing. The Leprous Melodies Of Atonement "artbook" (2CD with atmos blu-ray) is going for $60-$80 at most outlets which is ridiculous IMHO. Shelling out that much for a single album just sticks in my craw, even if the mix is good and I like the music. It makes keeping the Apple Music subscription easier to justify.
Yep. I was going to pass on the Leprous, until Amazon dropped the price to an infinitely more reasonable US$36 shipped. That I'm willing to pay for an earbook without complaint.
The Atmos mix is on streaming services, so only the lossless version is behind such a "paywall." Of course, the lossy version also requires a subscription.
I'm in the US and the Deluxe version plays only 2 channel for me; the Atmos mix is still accessible via the standard release. Is this what others find?