The Official QQ NFL Tailgate Thread


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A new day of the Go Jets JINX is born. Go Jets!

ar surround understands the football, so does Aaron.


Straight-Up Rhubarb Pie

This is deep......😯
That pie reminds me that there are lots of things I can only get in Canada. Do you have these where you live?

Tiger Stripes ice cream. Orange ice cream with black licorice swirls.

Scottish meat pies. I'm partial to the beef and Guiness and Steak and mushroom flavors. Great with a side of Highland mussles.

Coffee Crisp candy bars. Like coffee flavored kit kats

Licorice pipes. Black licorice in the shape of corn cob pipes

Poutine. Fries mixed with cheese curds and covered with gravy. This stuff is so popular in Canada they sell it in the MacDonalds

Richard's Red. The Best red ale I've ever had.

The world's best butter tarts. I know they are the world's best cause the told me they are. (Carla's bakery)
Sorry: Richard's Red. The Best red ale I've ever had. Never heard of.
Never mention poutine, thank you. Canada does not deserve this fate.
Coffee Crisp candy bars. HATE!!!
LOVE kit kats

Thanks Ricky....But Michigan may have a monopoly on lunatic governors. Say HI to Gretchen for me😞

AR- I only saw highlights of the game. Rodgers looked good, quick throws, right on the money. That is when he is at his best. He also seemed to be moving around well.
A 24-3 win!.. When the defense only gives up 3 points, you will win almost every game.
Don't get greedy there my friend!

"Greed is good." Gordon Gekko