“One is very mellow & the other is a dachshund”Last Sunday I got a belated Father's Day present from my favorite pups:
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Wow! I get my QQ T shirt a week earlier & then this. Two cool shirts to show off.
Ellie Mae is a Beagle-German Shepard mix & that is very good combination. Her history was being picked up as puppy road side in Northern Texas & shipped to a shelter in Oklahoma. I've learned that is not good because they have a high kill rate; 7 days for surrenders & 10 days for strays. And then they are gone so a lot of rescue shelters work with OK to avoid that. Eventually she made her way to KS and was rescued and then adopted out by K911 Foundation in our area.
One of the good things about this org is that you sign paperwork saying if things change or don't work out, don't abandon or take to another shelter, just return them to K911. That's what a couple did saying they couldn't give her the attention she needed. Now I can understand this. Eliie is a very loving & affectionate pup & by that I mean she will take 110% of all your love & affection. She is, in fact, demanding. But it was love at first sight & were lucky she adopted us.
Ellie on line ordering my T shirt:
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The history on Jackson our Dachshund is a bit sketchier. After getting him I did some intensive googling & found his original puppy adoption pic online. The listing said he was 9 months old:
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Yes he really does have a bat wing for a left ear, esp if he is alert & intrigued. I figure that's why a breeder probably dumped him. So somehow he made it from California to Kansas at the same fostering org we got Ellie from. He too was adopted & returned. Seems there were several girls sharing home rent & when things changed no one wanted to take sole responsibility for him. So back he went to the fostering group. We had a prior Dachshund that my wife liked very much I my younger daughter tipped us off one more was available we gave a two week trial. I knew he was a keeper.
Both dogs are about 9 yo I think and they are the best of buddies despite size & personality differences. One is very mellow & the other is a dachshund. But they are healthy, happy, energetic & playful. I am a lucky, lucky dog dad.
Say no more - we have a dachshund too